**To add or update a trigger in a repository** This example demonstrates how to update triggers named 'MyFirstTrigger' and 'MySecondTrigger' using an already-created JSON file (here named MyTriggers.json) that contains the structure of all the triggers for a repository named MyDemoRepo. To learn how to get the JSON for existing triggers, see the get-repository-triggers command. :: aws codecommit put-repository-triggers \ --repository-name MyDemoRepo file://MyTriggers.json Contents of ``MyTriggers.json``:: { "repositoryName": "MyDemoRepo", "triggers": [ { "destinationArn": "arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:80398EXAMPLE:MyCodeCommitTopic", "branches": [ "main", "preprod" ], "name": "MyFirstTrigger", "customData": "", "events": [ "all" ] }, { "destinationArn": "arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:111111111111:function:MyCodeCommitPythonFunction", "branches": [], "name": "MySecondTrigger", "customData": "EXAMPLE", "events": [ "all" ] } ] } Output:: { "configurationId": "6fa51cd8-35c1-EXAMPLE" }