[ Avaa Bypassed ]



botdev@ ~ $
**To describe a risk configuration**

This example describes the risk configuration associated with pool us-west-2_aaaaaaaaa. 


  aws cognito-idp describe-risk-configuration --user-pool-id us-west-2_aaaaaaaaa


    "RiskConfiguration": {
        "UserPoolId": "us-west-2_aaaaaaaaa",
        "CompromisedCredentialsRiskConfiguration": {
            "EventFilter": [
            "Actions": {
                "EventAction": "BLOCK"
        "AccountTakeoverRiskConfiguration": {
            "NotifyConfiguration": {
                "From": "diego@example.com",
                "ReplyTo": "diego@example.com",
                "SourceArn": "arn:aws:ses:us-east-1:111111111111:identity/diego@example.com",
                "BlockEmail": {
                    "Subject": "Blocked sign-in attempt",
                    "HtmlBody": "<!DOCTYPE html>\n<html>\n<head>\n\t<title>HTML email context</title>\n\t<meta charset=\"utf-8\">\n</head>\n<body>\n<pre>We blocked an unrecognized sign-in to your account with this information:\n<ul>\n<li>Time: {login-time}</li>\n<li>Device: {device-name}</li>\n<li>Location: {city}, {country}</li>\n</ul>\nIf this sign-in was not by you, you should change your password and notify us by clicking on <a href={one-click-link-invalid}>this link</a>\nIf this sign-in was by you, you can follow <a href={one-click-link-valid}>this link</a> to let us know</pre>\n</body>\n</html>",
                    "TextBody": "We blocked an unrecognized sign-in to your account with this information:\nTime: {login-time}\nDevice: {device-name}\nLocation: {city}, {country}\nIf this sign-in was not by you, you should change your password and notify us by clicking on {one-click-link-invalid}\nIf this sign-in was by you, you can follow {one-click-link-valid} to let us know"
                "NoActionEmail": {
                    "Subject": "New sign-in attempt",
                    "HtmlBody": "<!DOCTYPE html>\n<html>\n<head>\n\t<title>HTML email context</title>\n\t<meta charset=\"utf-8\">\n</head>\n<body>\n<pre>We observed an unrecognized sign-in to your account with this information:\n<ul>\n<li>Time: {login-time}</li>\n<li>Device: {device-name}</li>\n<li>Location: {city}, {country}</li>\n</ul>\nIf this sign-in was not by you, you should change your password and notify us by clicking on <a href={one-click-link-invalid}>this link</a>\nIf this sign-in was by you, you can follow <a href={one-click-link-valid}>this link</a> to let us know</pre>\n</body>\n</html>",
                    "TextBody": "We observed an unrecognized sign-in to your account with this information:\nTime: {login-time}\nDevice: {device-name}\nLocation: {city}, {country}\nIf this sign-in was not by you, you should change your password and notify us by clicking on {one-click-link-invalid}\nIf this sign-in was by you, you can follow {one-click-link-valid} to let us know"
                "MfaEmail": {
                    "Subject": "New sign-in attempt",
                    "HtmlBody": "<!DOCTYPE html>\n<html>\n<head>\n\t<title>HTML email context</title>\n\t<meta charset=\"utf-8\">\n</head>\n<body>\n<pre>We required you to use multi-factor authentication for the following sign-in attempt:\n<ul>\n<li>Time: {login-time}</li>\n<li>Device: {device-name}</li>\n<li>Location: {city}, {country}</li>\n</ul>\nIf this sign-in was not by you, you should change your password and notify us by clicking on <a href={one-click-link-invalid}>this link</a>\nIf this sign-in was by you, you can follow <a href={one-click-link-valid}>this link</a> to let us know</pre>\n</body>\n</html>",
                    "TextBody": "We required you to use multi-factor authentication for the following sign-in attempt:\nTime: {login-time}\nDevice: {device-name}\nLocation: {city}, {country}\nIf this sign-in was not by you, you should change your password and notify us by clicking on {one-click-link-invalid}\nIf this sign-in was by you, you can follow {one-click-link-valid} to let us know"
            "Actions": {
                "LowAction": {
                    "Notify": true,
                    "EventAction": "NO_ACTION"
                "MediumAction": {
                    "Notify": true,
                    "EventAction": "MFA_IF_CONFIGURED"
                "HighAction": {
                    "Notify": true,
                    "EventAction": "MFA_IF_CONFIGURED"


Name Type Size Permission Actions
add-custom-attributes.rst File 449 B 0644
admim-disable-user.rst File 181 B 0644
admim-enable-user.rst File 182 B 0644
admin-add-user-to-group.rst File 206 B 0644
admin-confirm-sign-up.rst File 198 B 0644
admin-create-user.rst File 1.06 KB 0644
admin-delete-user-attributes.rst File 281 B 0644
admin-delete-user.rst File 168 B 0644
admin-forget-device.rst File 234 B 0644
admin-get-device.rst File 227 B 0644
admin-get-user.rst File 912 B 0644
admin-initiate-auth.rst File 1.04 KB 0644
admin-list-devices.rst File 203 B 0644
admin-list-groups-for-user.rst File 592 B 0644
admin-list-user-auth-events.rst File 243 B 0644
admin-remove-user-from-group.rst File 239 B 0644
admin-reset-user-password.rst File 208 B 0644
admin-set-user-mfa-preference.rst File 289 B 0644
admin-set-user-settings.rst File 270 B 0644
admin-update-auth-event-feedback.rst File 350 B 0644
admin-update-device-status.rst File 320 B 0644
admin-update-user-attributes.rst File 299 B 0644
change-password.rst File 198 B 0644
confirm-forgot-password.rst File 288 B 0644
confirm-sign-up.rst File 232 B 0644
create-group.rst File 1.13 KB 0644
create-user-import-job.rst File 1.13 KB 0644
create-user-pool-client.rst File 820 B 0644
create-user-pool-domain.rst File 276 B 0644
create-user-pool.rst File 16.47 KB 0644
delete-group.rst File 160 B 0644
delete-identity-provider.rst File 197 B 0644
delete-resource-server.rst File 223 B 0644
delete-user-attributes.rst File 215 B 0644
delete-user-pool-client.rst File 204 B 0644
delete-user-pool-domain.rst File 253 B 0644
delete-user-pool.rst File 188 B 0644
delete-user.rst File 124 B 0644
describe-identity-provider.rst File 1.01 KB 0644
describe-resource-server.rst File 834 B 0644
describe-risk-configuration.rst File 4.55 KB 0644
describe-user-import-job.rst File 902 B 0644
describe-user-pool-client.rst File 1.78 KB 0644
describe-user-pool-domain.rst File 553 B 0644
describe-user-pool.rst File 8.82 KB 0644
forget-device.rst File 145 B 0644
forgot-password.rst File 429 B 0644
get-csv-header.rst File 953 B 0644
get-group.rst File 434 B 0644
get-signing-certificate.rst File 237 B 0644
get-ui-customization.rst File 2.2 KB 0644
list-user-import-jobs.rst File 1.99 KB 0644
list-user-pools.rst File 388 B 0644
list-users-in-group.rst File 1.56 KB 0644
list-users.rst File 868 B 0644
resend-confirmation-code.rst File 667 B 0644
respond-to-auth-challenge.rst File 983 B 0644
set-risk-configuration.rst File 634 B 0644
set-ui-customization.rst File 3.79 KB 0644
set-user-mfa-preference.rst File 268 B 0644
set-user-settings.rst File 195 B 0644
sign-up.rst File 370 B 0644
start-user-import-job.rst File 931 B 0644
stop-user-import-job.rst File 1.02 KB 0644
update-auth-event-feedback.rst File 312 B 0644
update-device-status.rst File 242 B 0644
update-group.rst File 560 B 0644
update-resource-server.rst File 635 B 0644
update-user-attributes.rst File 210 B 0644
update-user-pool-client.rst File 736 B 0644
update-user-pool.rst File 185 B 0644