**To scan an entire table**
This example scans the entire *MusicCollection* table, and then narrows the
results to songs by the artist "No One You Know". For each item, only the album
title and song title are returned.
aws ddb select MusicCollection --projection 'SongTitle, AlbumTitle' \
--filter 'Artist = "No One You Know"'
Count: 2
- SongTitle: "Call Me Today"
AlbumTitle: "Somewhat Famous"
- SongTitle: "Scared of My Shadow"
AlbumTitle: "Blue Sky Blues"
ScannedCount: 3
**To query for specific primary keys**
This example queries items in the *MusicCollection* table. The table has a
hash-and-range primary key (*Artist* and *SongTitle*), but this query only
specifies the hash key value. It returns song titles by the artist named "No
One You Know".
aws ddb select MusicCollection --projection SongTitle \
--key-condition 'Artist = "No One You Know"'
Count: 2
- SongTitle: "Call Me Today"
- SongTitle: "Scared of My Shadow"
ScannedCount: 2