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**To retrieve information about one or more deployment groups**

The following ``batch-get-deployment-groups`` example retrieves information about two of the deployment groups that are associated with the specified CodeDeploy application. ::

    aws deploy batch-get-deployment-groups \
        --application-name my-codedeploy-application \
        --deployment-group-names "[\"my-deployment-group-1\",\"my-deployment-group-2\"]"


        "deploymentGroupsInfo": [
                "deploymentStyle": {
                    "deploymentOption": "WITHOUT_TRAFFIC_CONTROL",
                    "deploymentType": "IN_PLACE"
                "autoRollbackConfiguration": {
                    "enabled": false
                "onPremisesTagSet": {
                    "onPremisesTagSetList": []
                "serviceRoleArn": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/CodeDeloyServiceRole",
                "lastAttemptedDeployment": {
                    "endTime": 1556912366.415,
                    "status": "Failed",
                    "createTime": 1556912355.884,
                    "deploymentId": "d-A1B2C3111"
                "autoScalingGroups": [],
                "deploymentGroupName": "my-deployment-group-1",
                "ec2TagSet": {
                    "ec2TagSetList": [
                                "Type": "KEY_AND_VALUE",
                                "Value": "my-EC2-instance",
                                "Key": "Name"
                "deploymentGroupId": "a1b2c3d4-5678-90ab-cdef-11111example",
                "triggerConfigurations": [],
                "applicationName": "my-codedeploy-application",
                "computePlatform": "Server",
                "deploymentConfigName": "CodeDeployDefault.AllAtOnce"
                "deploymentStyle": {
                    "deploymentOption": "WITHOUT_TRAFFIC_CONTROL",
                    "deploymentType": "IN_PLACE"
                "autoRollbackConfiguration": {
                    "enabled": false
                "onPremisesTagSet": {
                    "onPremisesTagSetList": []
                "serviceRoleArn": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/CodeDeloyServiceRole",
                "autoScalingGroups": [],
                "deploymentGroupName": "my-deployment-group-2",
                "ec2TagSet": {
                    "ec2TagSetList": [
                                "Type": "KEY_AND_VALUE",
                                "Value": "my-EC2-instance",
                                "Key": "Name"
                "deploymentGroupId": "a1b2c3d4-5678-90ab-cdef-22222example",
                "triggerConfigurations": [],
                "applicationName": "my-codedeploy-application",
                "computePlatform": "Server",
                "deploymentConfigName": "CodeDeployDefault.AllAtOnce"
        "errorMessage": ""

For more information, see `BatchGetDeploymentGroups <https://docs.aws.amazon.com/codedeploy/latest/APIReference/API_BatchGetDeploymentGroups.html>`_ in the *AWS CodeDeploy API Reference*.


Name Type Size Permission Actions
wait Folder 0755
add-tags-to-on-premises-instances.rst File 469 B 0755
batch-get-application-revisions.rst File 1.49 KB 0755
batch-get-applications.rst File 826 B 0755
batch-get-deployment-groups.rst File 3.47 KB 0755
batch-get-deployment-targets.rst File 2.73 KB 0755
batch-get-deployments.rst File 2.5 KB 0755
batch-get-on-premises-instances.rst File 1.36 KB 0755
continue-deployment.rst File 621 B 0755
create-application.rst File 301 B 0755
create-deployment-config.rst File 442 B 0755
create-deployment-group.rst File 683 B 0755
create-deployment.rst File 2 KB 0755
delete-application.rst File 261 B 0755
delete-deployment-config.rst File 307 B 0755
delete-deployment-group.rst File 350 B 0755
delete-git-hub-account-token.rst File 491 B 0755
deregister-on-premises-instance.rst File 571 B 0755
deregister.rst File 967 B 0755
get-application-revision.rst File 1.07 KB 0755
get-application.rst File 498 B 0755
get-deployment-config.rst File 657 B 0755
get-deployment-group.rst File 1007 B 0755
get-deployment-instance.rst File 2.09 KB 0755
get-deployment-target.rst File 4.52 KB 0755
get-deployment.rst File 1.27 KB 0755
get-on-premises-instance.rst File 745 B 0755
install.rst File 825 B 0755
list-application-revisions.rst File 1.16 KB 0755
list-applications.rst File 331 B 0755
list-deployment-configs.rst File 490 B 0755
list-deployment-groups.rst File 440 B 0755
list-deployment-instances.rst File 447 B 0755
list-deployment-targets.rst File 665 B 0755
list-deployments.rst File 585 B 0755
list-git-hub-account-token-names.rst File 608 B 0755
list-on-premises-instances.rst File 589 B 0755
list-tags-for-resource.rst File 738 B 0644
push.rst File 1018 B 0755
register-application-revision.rst File 558 B 0755
register-on-premises-instance.rst File 506 B 0755
register.rst File 1 KB 0755
remove-tags-from-on-premises-instances.rst File 683 B 0755
stop-deployment.rst File 389 B 0755
tag-resource.rst File 628 B 0644
uninstall.rst File 473 B 0755
untag-resource.rst File 585 B 0644
update-application.rst File 334 B 0755
update-deployment-group.rst File 705 B 0755