**Example 1: To create a CodeDeploy deployment using the EC2/On-premises compute platform** The following ``create-deployment`` example creates a deployment and associates it with the user's AWS account. :: aws deploy create-deployment \ --application-name WordPress_App \ --deployment-config-name CodeDeployDefault.OneAtATime \ --deployment-group-name WordPress_DG \ --description "My demo deployment" \ --s3-location bucket=CodeDeployDemoBucket,bundleType=zip,eTag=dd56cfdEXAMPLE8e768f9d77fEXAMPLE,key=WordPressApp.zip Output:: { "deploymentId": "d-A1B2C3111" } **Example 2: To create a CodeDeploy deployment using the Amazon ECS compute platform** The following ``create-deployment`` example uses the following two files to deploy an Amazon ECS service. Contents of ``create-deployment.json`` file:: { "applicationName": "ecs-deployment", "deploymentGroupName": "ecs-deployment-dg", "revision": { "revisionType": "S3", "s3Location": { "bucket": "ecs-deployment-bucket", "key": "appspec.yaml", "bundleType": "YAML" } } } That file, in turn, retrieves the following file ``appspec.yaml`` from an S3 bucket called ``ecs-deployment-bucket``. :: version: 0.0 Resources: - TargetService: Type: AWS::ECS::Service Properties: TaskDefinition: "arn:aws:ecs:region:123456789012:task-definition/ecs-task-def:2" LoadBalancerInfo: ContainerName: "sample-app" ContainerPort: 80 PlatformVersion: "LATEST" Command:: aws deploy create-deployment \ --cli-input-json file://create-deployment.json \ --region us-east-1 Output:: { "deploymentId": "d-1234ABCDE" } For more information, see `CreateDeployment <https://docs.aws.amazon.com/codedeploy/latest/APIReference/API_CreateDeployment.html>`__ in the *AWS CodeDeploy API Reference*.