[ Avaa Bypassed ]



botdev@ ~ $
**To bundle and deploy an AWS CodeDeploy compatible application revision to Amazon S3**

The following ``push`` example bundles and deploys an application revision to Amazon S3 and then associates the application revision with the specified application. ::

    aws deploy push \
        --application-name WordPress_App \
        --description "This is my deployment" \
        --ignore-hidden-files \
        --s3-location s3://CodeDeployDemoBucket/WordPressApp.zip \
        --source /tmp/MyLocalDeploymentFolder/

The output describes how to use the ``create-deployment`` command to create a deployment that uses the uploaded application revision. ::

    To deploy with this revision, run: 
    aws deploy create-deployment --application-name WordPress_App --deployment-config-name <deployment-config-name> --deployment-group-name <deployment-group-name> --s3-location bucket=CodeDeployDemoBucket,key=WordPressApp.zip,bundleType=zip,eTag="cecc9b8EXAMPLE50a6e71fdb88EXAMPLE",version=LFsJAUdEXAMPLEfvKtvi79L8EXAMPLE


Name Type Size Permission Actions
wait Folder 0755
add-tags-to-on-premises-instances.rst File 469 B 0755
batch-get-application-revisions.rst File 1.49 KB 0755
batch-get-applications.rst File 826 B 0755
batch-get-deployment-groups.rst File 3.47 KB 0755
batch-get-deployment-targets.rst File 2.73 KB 0755
batch-get-deployments.rst File 2.5 KB 0755
batch-get-on-premises-instances.rst File 1.36 KB 0755
continue-deployment.rst File 621 B 0755
create-application.rst File 301 B 0755
create-deployment-config.rst File 442 B 0755
create-deployment-group.rst File 683 B 0755
create-deployment.rst File 2 KB 0755
delete-application.rst File 261 B 0755
delete-deployment-config.rst File 307 B 0755
delete-deployment-group.rst File 350 B 0755
delete-git-hub-account-token.rst File 491 B 0755
deregister-on-premises-instance.rst File 571 B 0755
deregister.rst File 967 B 0755
get-application-revision.rst File 1.07 KB 0755
get-application.rst File 498 B 0755
get-deployment-config.rst File 657 B 0755
get-deployment-group.rst File 1007 B 0755
get-deployment-instance.rst File 2.09 KB 0755
get-deployment-target.rst File 4.52 KB 0755
get-deployment.rst File 1.27 KB 0755
get-on-premises-instance.rst File 745 B 0755
install.rst File 825 B 0755
list-application-revisions.rst File 1.16 KB 0755
list-applications.rst File 331 B 0755
list-deployment-configs.rst File 490 B 0755
list-deployment-groups.rst File 440 B 0755
list-deployment-instances.rst File 447 B 0755
list-deployment-targets.rst File 665 B 0755
list-deployments.rst File 585 B 0755
list-git-hub-account-token-names.rst File 608 B 0755
list-on-premises-instances.rst File 589 B 0755
list-tags-for-resource.rst File 738 B 0644
push.rst File 1018 B 0755
register-application-revision.rst File 558 B 0755
register-on-premises-instance.rst File 506 B 0755
register.rst File 1 KB 0755
remove-tags-from-on-premises-instances.rst File 683 B 0755
stop-deployment.rst File 389 B 0755
tag-resource.rst File 628 B 0644
uninstall.rst File 473 B 0755
untag-resource.rst File 585 B 0644
update-application.rst File 334 B 0755
update-deployment-group.rst File 705 B 0755