**Example 1: To allocate a Dedicated Host** The following ``allocate-hosts`` example allocates a single Dedicated Host in the ``eu-west-1a`` Availability Zone, onto which you can launch ``m5.large`` instances. By default, the Dedicated Host accepts only target instance launches, and does not support host recovery. :: aws ec2 allocate-hosts \ --instance-type m5.large \ --availability-zone eu-west-1a \ --quantity 1 Output:: { "HostIds": [ "h-07879acf49EXAMPLE" ] } **Example 2: To allocate a Dedicated Host with auto-placement and host recovery enabled** The following ``allocate-hosts`` example allocates a single Dedicated Host in the ``eu-west-1a`` Availability Zone with auto-placement and host recovery enabled. :: aws ec2 allocate-hosts \ --instance-type m5.large \ --availability-zone eu-west-1a \ --auto-placement on \ --host-recovery on \ --quantity 1 Output:: { "HostIds": [ "h-07879acf49EXAMPLE" ] } **Example 3: To allocate a Dedicated Host with tags** The following ``allocate-hosts`` example allocates a single Dedicated Host and applies a tag with a key named ``purpose`` and a value of ``production``. :: aws ec2 allocate-hosts \ --instance-type m5.large \ --availability-zone eu-west-1a \ --quantity 1 \ --tag-specifications 'ResourceType=dedicated-host,Tags={Key=purpose,Value=production}' Output:: { "HostIds": [ "h-07879acf49EXAMPLE" ] } For more information, see `Allocating Dedicated Hosts <https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/how-dedicated-hosts-work.html#dedicated-hosts-allocating>`__ in the *Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud User Guide for Linux Instances*.