**Example 1: To create an EC2 Fleet that launches Spot Instances as the default purchasing model** The following ``create-fleet`` example creates an EC2 Fleet using the minimum parameters required to launch a fleet: a launch template, target capacity, and default purchasing model. The launch template is identified by its launch template ID and version number. The target capacity for the fleet is 2 instances, and the default purchasing model is ``spot``, which results in the fleet launching 2 Spot Instances. When you create an EC2 Fleet, use a JSON file to specify information about the instances to launch. :: aws ec2 create-fleet \ --cli-input-json file://file_name.json Contents of file_name.json:: { "LaunchTemplateConfigs": [ { "LaunchTemplateSpecification": { "LaunchTemplateId": "lt-0e8c754449b27161c", "Version": "1" } } ], "TargetCapacitySpecification": { "TotalTargetCapacity": 2, "DefaultTargetCapacityType": "spot" } } Output:: { "FleetId": "fleet-12a34b55-67cd-8ef9-ba9b-9208dEXAMPLE" } **Example 2: To create an EC2 Fleet that launches On-Demand Instances as the default purchasing model** The following ``create-fleet`` example creates an EC2 Fleet using the minimum parameters required to launch a fleet: a launch template, target capacity, and default purchasing model. The launch template is identified by its launch template ID and version number. The target capacity for the fleet is 2 instances, and the default purchasing model is ``on-demand``, which results in the fleet launching 2 On-Demand Instances. When you create an EC2 Fleet, use a JSON file to specify information about the instances to launch. :: aws ec2 create-fleet \ --cli-input-json file://file_name.json Contents of file_name.json:: { "LaunchTemplateConfigs": [ { "LaunchTemplateSpecification": { "LaunchTemplateId": "lt-0e8c754449b27161c", "Version": "1" } } ], "TargetCapacitySpecification": { "TotalTargetCapacity": 2, "DefaultTargetCapacityType": "on-demand" } } Output:: { "FleetId": "fleet-12a34b55-67cd-8ef9-ba9b-9208dEXAMPLE" } **Example 3: To create an EC2 Fleet that launches On-Demand Instances as the primary capacity** The following ``create-fleet`` example creates an EC2 Fleet that specifies the total target capacity of 2 instances for the fleet, and a target capacity of 1 On-Demand Instance. The default purchasing model is ``spot``. The fleet launches 1 On-Demand Instance as specified, but needs to launch one more instance to fulfil the total target capacity. The purchasing model for the difference is calculated as ``TotalTargetCapacity`` - ``OnDemandTargetCapacity`` = ``DefaultTargetCapacityType``, which results in the fleet launching 1 Spot Instance. When you create an EC2 Fleet, use a JSON file to specify information about the instances to launch. :: aws ec2 create-fleet \ --cli-input-json file://file_name.json Contents of file_name.json:: { "LaunchTemplateConfigs": [ { "LaunchTemplateSpecification": { "LaunchTemplateId": "lt-0e8c754449b27161c", "Version": "1" } } ], "TargetCapacitySpecification": { "TotalTargetCapacity": 2, "OnDemandTargetCapacity":1, "DefaultTargetCapacityType": "spot" } } Output:: { "FleetId": "fleet-12a34b55-67cd-8ef9-ba9b-9208dEXAMPLE" } **Example 4: To create an EC2 Fleet that launches Spot Instances using the lowest-price allocation strategy** If the allocation strategy for Spot Instances is not specified, the default allocation strategy, which is ``lowest-price``, is used. The following ``create-fleet`` example creates an EC2 Fleet using the ``lowest-price`` allocation strategy. The three launch specifications, which override the launch template, have different instance types but the same weighted capacity and subnet. The total target capacity is 2 instances and the default purchasing model is ``spot``. The EC2 Fleet launches 2 Spot Instances using the instance type of the launch specification with the lowest price. When you create an EC2 Fleet, use a JSON file to specify information about the instances to launch. :: aws ec2 create-fleet \ --cli-input-json file://file_name.jsonContents of file_name.json:: { "LaunchTemplateConfigs": [ { "LaunchTemplateSpecification": { "LaunchTemplateId": "lt-0e8c754449b27161c", "Version": "1" }, "Overrides": [ { "InstanceType": "c4.large", "WeightedCapacity": 1, "SubnetId": "subnet-a4f6c5d3" }, { "InstanceType": "c3.large", "WeightedCapacity": 1, "SubnetId": "subnet-a4f6c5d3" }, { "InstanceType": "c5.large", "WeightedCapacity": 1, "SubnetId": "subnet-a4f6c5d3" } ] } ], "TargetCapacitySpecification": { "TotalTargetCapacity": 2, "DefaultTargetCapacityType": "spot" } } Output:: { "FleetId": "fleet-12a34b55-67cd-8ef9-ba9b-9208dEXAMPLE" }