**Example 1: To create a multi-volume snapshot** The following ``create-snapshots`` example creates snapshots of all volumes attached to the specified instance. :: aws ec2 create-snapshots \ --instance-specification InstanceId=i-1234567890abcdef0 \ --description "This is snapshot of a volume from my-instance" Output:: { "Snapshots": [ { "Description": "This is a snapshot of a volume from my-instance", "Tags": [], "Encrypted": false, "VolumeId": "vol-0a01d2d5a34697479", "State": "pending", "VolumeSize": 16, "StartTime": "2019-08-05T16:58:19.000Z", "Progress": "", "OwnerId": "123456789012", "SnapshotId": "snap-07f30e3909aa0045e" }, { "Description": "This is a snapshot of a volume from my-instance", "Tags": [], "Encrypted": false, "VolumeId": "vol-02d0d4947008cb1a2", "State": "pending", "VolumeSize": 20, "StartTime": "2019-08-05T16:58:19.000Z", "Progress": "", "OwnerId": "123456789012", "SnapshotId": "snap-0ec20b602264aad48" }, ... ] } **Example 2: To create a multi-volume snapshot with tags from the source volume** The following ``create-snapshots`` example creates snapshots of all volumes attached to the specified instance and copies the tags from each volume to its corresponding snapshot. :: aws ec2 create-snapshots \ --instance-specification InstanceId=i-1234567890abcdef0 \ --copy-tags-from-source volume \ --description "This is snapshot of a volume from my-instance" Output:: { "Snapshots": [ { "Description": "This is a snapshot of a volume from my-instance", "Tags": [ { "Key": "Name", "Value": "my-volume" } ], "Encrypted": false, "VolumeId": "vol-02d0d4947008cb1a2", "State": "pending", "VolumeSize": 20, "StartTime": "2019-08-05T16:53:04.000Z", "Progress": "", "OwnerId": "123456789012", "SnapshotId": "snap-053bfaeb821a458dd" } ... ] } **Example 3: To create a multi-volume snapshot not including the root volume** The following ``create-snapshots`` example creates a snapshot of all volumes attached to the specified instance except for the root volume. :: aws ec2 create-snapshots \ --instance-specification InstanceId=i-1234567890abcdef0,ExcludeBootVolume=true **Example 4: To create a multi-volume snapshot and add tags** The following ``create-snapshots`` example creates snapshots of all volumes attached to the specified instance and adds two tags to each snapshot. :: aws ec2 create-snapshots \ --instance-specification InstanceId=i-1234567890abcdef0 --tag-specifications ResourceType=snapshot,Tags=[{Key=Name,Value=backup},{Key=costcenter,Value=123}]