**To describe the longer ID format settings for all resource types in a Region** The following ``describe-aggregate-id-format`` example describes the overall long ID format status for the current Region. The ``Deadline`` value indicates that the deadlines for these resources to permanently switch from the short ID format to the long ID format expired. The ``UseLongIdsAggregated`` value indicates that all IAM users and IAM roles are configured to use long ID format for all resource types. :: aws ec2 describe-aggregate-id-format Output:: { "UseLongIdsAggregated": true, "Statuses": [ { "Deadline": "2018-08-13T02:00:00.000Z", "Resource": "network-interface-attachment", "UseLongIds": true }, { "Deadline": "2016-12-13T02:00:00.000Z", "Resource": "instance", "UseLongIds": true }, { "Deadline": "2018-08-13T02:00:00.000Z", "Resource": "elastic-ip-association", "UseLongIds": true }, ... ] }