**To start fast launching for an image** The following ``enable-fast-launch`` example starts fast launching on the specified AMI and sets the maximum number of parallel instances to launch to 6. The type of resource to use to pre-provision the AMI is set to ``snapshot``, which is also the default value. :: aws ec2 enable-fast-launch \ --image-id ami-01234567890abcedf \ --max-parallel-launches 6 \ --resource-type snapshot Output:: { "ImageId": "ami-01234567890abcedf", "ResourceType": "snapshot", "SnapshotConfiguration": { "TargetResourceCount": 10 }, "LaunchTemplate": {}, "MaxParallelLaunches": 6, "OwnerId": "0123456789123", "State": "enabling", "StateTransitionReason": "Client.UserInitiated", "StateTransitionTime": "2022-01-27T22:16:03.199000+00:00" } For more information about configuring a Windows AMI for faster launching, see `Configure your AMI for faster launching <https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/WindowsGuide/windows-ami-version-history.html#win-ami-config-fast-launch>`__ in the *Amazon EC2 User Guide*.