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**To update an environment to a new version**

The following command updates an environment named "my-env" to version "v2" of the application to which it belongs::

  aws elasticbeanstalk update-environment --environment-name my-env --version-label v2

This command requires that the "my-env" environment already exists and belongs to an application that has a valid application version with the label "v2".


    "ApplicationName": "my-app",
    "EnvironmentName": "my-env",
    "VersionLabel": "v2",
    "Status": "Updating",
    "EnvironmentId": "e-szqipays4h",
    "EndpointURL": "awseb-e-i-AWSEBLoa-1RDLX6TC9VUAO-0123456789.us-west-2.elb.amazonaws.com",
    "SolutionStackName": "64bit Amazon Linux running Tomcat 7",
    "CNAME": "my-env.elasticbeanstalk.com",
    "Health": "Grey",
    "Tier": {
        "Version": " ",
        "Type": "Standard",
        "Name": "WebServer"
    "DateUpdated": "2015-02-03T23:12:29.119Z",
    "DateCreated": "2015-02-03T23:04:54.453Z"

**To set an environment variable**

The following command sets the value of the "PARAM1" variable in the "my-env" environment to "ParamValue"::

  aws elasticbeanstalk update-environment --environment-name my-env --option-settings Namespace=aws:elasticbeanstalk:application:environment,OptionName=PARAM1,Value=ParamValue

The ``option-settings`` parameter takes a namespace in addition to the name and value of the variable. Elastic Beanstalk supports several namespaces for options in addition to environment variables.

**To configure option settings from a file**

The following command configures several options in the ``aws:elb:loadbalancer`` namespace from a file::

  aws elasticbeanstalk update-environment --environment-name my-env --option-settings file://options.json

``options.json`` is a JSON object defining several settings::

      "Namespace": "aws:elb:healthcheck",
      "OptionName": "Interval",
      "Value": "15"
      "Namespace": "aws:elb:healthcheck",
      "OptionName": "Timeout",
      "Value": "8"
      "Namespace": "aws:elb:healthcheck",
      "OptionName": "HealthyThreshold",
      "Value": "2"
      "Namespace": "aws:elb:healthcheck",
      "OptionName": "UnhealthyThreshold",
      "Value": "3"


      "ApplicationName": "my-app",
      "EnvironmentName": "my-env",
      "VersionLabel": "7f58-stage-150812_025409",
      "Status": "Updating",
      "EnvironmentId": "e-wtp2rpqsej",
      "EndpointURL": "awseb-e-w-AWSEBLoa-14XB83101Q4L-104QXY80921.sa-east-1.elb.amazonaws.com",
      "SolutionStackName": "64bit Amazon Linux 2015.03 v2.0.0 running Tomcat 8 Java 8",
      "CNAME": "my-env.elasticbeanstalk.com",
      "Health": "Grey",
      "AbortableOperationInProgress": true,
      "Tier": {
          "Version": " ",
          "Type": "Standard",
          "Name": "WebServer"
      "DateUpdated": "2015-08-12T18:15:23.804Z",
      "DateCreated": "2015-08-07T20:48:49.599Z"

For more information about namespaces and supported options, see `Option Values`_ in the *AWS Elastic Beanstalk Developer Guide*.

.. _`Option Values`: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/elasticbeanstalk/latest/dg/command-options.html


Name Type Size Permission Actions
abort-environment-update.rst File 210 B 0644
check-dns-availability.rst File 317 B 0644
create-application-version.rst File 932 B 0644
create-application.rst File 832 B 0644
create-configuration-template.rst File 592 B 0644
create-environment.rst File 2.2 KB 0644
create-storage-location.rst File 226 B 0644
delete-application-version.rst File 282 B 0644
delete-application.rst File 163 B 0644
delete-configuration-template.rst File 263 B 0644
delete-environment-configuration.rst File 236 B 0644
describe-application-versions.rst File 1.16 KB 0644
describe-applications.rst File 1.25 KB 0644
describe-configuration-options.rst File 1.87 KB 0644
describe-configuration-settings.rst File 2.05 KB 0644
describe-environment-health.rst File 1.46 KB 0644
describe-environment-resources.rst File 986 B 0644
describe-environments.rst File 1.08 KB 0644
describe-events.rst File 1.55 KB 0644
describe-instances-health.rst File 2 KB 0644
list-available-solution-stacks.rst File 2.5 KB 0644
rebuild-environment.rst File 199 B 0644
request-environment-info.rst File 408 B 0644
restart-app-server.rst File 210 B 0644
retrieve-environment-info.rst File 938 B 0644
swap-environment-cnames.rst File 236 B 0644
terminate-environment.rst File 855 B 0644
update-application-version.rst File 781 B 0644
update-application.rst File 766 B 0644
update-configuration-template.rst File 915 B 0644
update-environment.rst File 3.16 KB 0644
validate-configuration-settings.rst File 2.65 KB 0644