[ Avaa Bypassed ]



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**Example1: To get a list of all fleets in a Region**

The following ``list-fleets`` example displays the fleet IDs of all fleets in the current Region. This example uses pagination parameters to retrieve two fleet IDs at a time. The response includes a ``next-token`` attribute, which indicates that there are more results to retrieve. ::

    aws gamelift list-fleets \
        --limit 2


        "FleetIds": [
        "NextToken": "eyJhd3NBY2NvdW50SWQiOnsicyI6IjMwMjc3NjAxNjM5OCJ9LCJidWlsZElkIjp7InMiOiJidWlsZC01NWYxZTZmMS1jY2FlLTQ3YTctOWI5ZS1iYjFkYTQwMjJEXAMPLE="

You can pass the ``NextToken`` value from the previous response in the next command, as shown here to get the next two results. ::

    aws gamelift list-fleets \
        --limit 2 \
        --next-token eyJhd3NBY2NvdW50SWQiOnsicyI6IjMwMjc3NjAxNjM5OCJ9LCJidWlsZElkIjp7InMiOiJidWlsZC00NDRlZjQxZS1hM2I1LTQ2NDYtODJmMy0zYzI4ZTgxNjVjEXAMPLE=

**Example2: To get a list of all fleets in a Region with a specific build or script**

The following ``list-builds`` example retrieves the IDs of fleets that are deployed with the specified game build. If you're working with Realtime Servers, you can provide a script ID in place of a build ID. Because this example does not specify the limit parameter, the results can include up to 16 fleet IDs. ::

    aws gamelift list-fleets \
        --build-id build-a1b2c3d4-5678-90ab-cdef-EXAMPLE11111


        "FleetIds": [


Name Type Size Permission Actions
create-build.rst File 3.05 KB 0755
create-fleet.rst File 7.22 KB 0755
create-game-session-queue.rst File 3.74 KB 0755
delete-build.rst File 365 B 0755
delete-fleet.rst File 552 B 0755
delete-game-session-queue.rst File 251 B 0755
describe-build.rst File 981 B 0755
describe-ec2-instance-limits.rst File 817 B 0755
describe-fleet-attributes.rst File 5.1 KB 0755
describe-fleet-capacity.rst File 1.5 KB 0755
describe-fleet-events.rst File 4.15 KB 0755
describe-fleet-port-settings.rst File 922 B 0755
describe-fleet-utilization.rst File 2.44 KB 0755
describe-game-session-queues.rst File 2.07 KB 0755
describe-runtime-configuration.rst File 1.18 KB 0755
list-builds.rst File 2.89 KB 0755
list-fleets.rst File 1.77 KB 0755
request-upload-credentials.rst File 1.04 KB 0755
start-fleet-actions.rst File 490 B 0755
stop-fleet-actions.rst File 472 B 0755
update-build.rst File 1.13 KB 0755
update-game-session-queue.rst File 2.31 KB 0755
upload-build.rst File 2.16 KB 0755