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botdev@ ~ $
**To get the details of a vault lock**

The following ``get-vault-lock`` example retrieved the details about the lock for the specified vault. ::

    aws glacier get-vault-lock \
        --account-id - \
        --vault-name MyVaultName 

        "Policy": "{\"Version\":\"2012-10-17\",\"Statement\":[{\"Sid\":\"Define-vault-lock\",\"Effect\":\"Deny\",\"Principal\":{\"AWS\":\"arn:aws:iam::999999999999:root\"},\"Action\":\"glacier:DeleteArchive\",\"Resource\":\"arn:aws:glacier:us-west-2:99999999999:vaults/MyVaultName\",\"Condition\":{\"NumericLessThanEquals\":{\"glacier:ArchiveAgeinDays\":\"365\"}}}]}",
        "State": "Locked",
        "CreationDate": "2019-07-29T22:25:28.640Z"

For more information, see `Get Vault Lock (GET lock-policy) <https://docs.aws.amazon.com/amazonglacier/latest/dev/api-GetVaultLock.html>`__ in the *Amazon Glacier API Developer Guide*.


Name Type Size Permission Actions
wait Folder 0755
abort-multipart-upload.rst File 837 B 0644
abort-vault-lock.rst File 525 B 0644
add-tags-to-vault.rst File 299 B 0644
complete-multipart-upload.rst File 1007 B 0644
complete-vault-lock.rst File 680 B 0644
create-vault.rst File 259 B 0644
delete-archive.rst File 439 B 0644
delete-vault-access-policy.rst File 302 B 0644
delete-vault-notifications.rst File 359 B 0644
delete-vault.rst File 297 B 0644
describe-job.rst File 939 B 0644
describe-vault.rst File 270 B 0644
get-data-retrieval-policy.rst File 468 B 0644
get-job-output.rst File 1.17 KB 0644
get-vault-access-policy.rst File 775 B 0644
get-vault-lock.rst File 903 B 0644
get-vault-notifications.rst File 647 B 0644
initiate-job.rst File 1.83 KB 0644
initiate-multipart-upload.rst File 851 B 0644
initiate-vault-lock.rst File 1.21 KB 0644
list-jobs.rst File 1.82 KB 0644
list-multipart-uploads.rst File 546 B 0644
list-parts.rst File 1.28 KB 0644
list-provisioned-capacity.rst File 536 B 0644
list-tags-for-vault.rst File 377 B 0644
list-vaults.rst File 639 B 0644
purchase-provisioned-capacity.rst File 298 B 0644
remove-tags-from-vault.rst File 315 B 0644
set-data-retrieval-policy.rst File 965 B 0644
set-vault-access-policy.rst File 761 B 0644
set-vault-notifications.rst File 620 B 0644
upload-archive.rst File 1011 B 0644
upload-multipart-part.rst File 1020 B 0644