**Example 1: To create a table for a Kinesis data stream**
The following ``create-table`` example creates a table in the AWS Glue Data Catalog that describes a Kinesis data stream. ::
aws glue create-table \
--database-name tempdb \
--table-input '{"Name":"test-kinesis-input", "StorageDescriptor":{ \
"Columns":[ \
{"Name":"sensorid", "Type":"int"}, \
{"Name":"currenttemperature", "Type":"int"}, \
{"Name":"status", "Type":"string"}
], \
"Location":"my-testing-stream", \
"Parameters":{ \
"typeOfData":"kinesis","streamName":"my-testing-stream", \
"kinesisUrl":"https://kinesis.us-east-1.amazonaws.com" \
}, \
"SerdeInfo":{ \
"SerializationLibrary":"org.openx.data.jsonserde.JsonSerDe"} \
}, \
"Parameters":{ \
"classification":"json"} \
}' \
--profile my-profile \
--endpoint https://glue.us-east-1.amazonaws.com
This command produces no output.
For more information, see `Defining Tables in the AWS Glue Data Catalog <https://docs.aws.amazon.com/glue/latest/dg/tables-described.html>`__ in the *AWS Glue Developer Guide*.
**Example 2: To create a table for a Kafka data store**
The following ``create-table`` example creates a table in the AWS Glue Data Catalog that describes a Kafka data store. ::
aws glue create-table \
--database-name tempdb \
--table-input '{"Name":"test-kafka-input", "StorageDescriptor":{ \
"Columns":[ \
{"Name":"sensorid", "Type":"int"}, \
{"Name":"currenttemperature", "Type":"int"}, \
{"Name":"status", "Type":"string"}
], \
"Location":"glue-topic", \
"Parameters":{ \
"typeOfData":"kafka","topicName":"glue-topic", \
}, \
"SerdeInfo":{ \
"SerializationLibrary":"org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.OpenCSVSerde"} \
}, \
"Parameters":{ \
"separatorChar":","} \
}' \
--profile my-profile \
--endpoint https://glue.us-east-1.amazonaws.com
This command produces no output.
For more information, see `Defining Tables in the AWS Glue Data Catalog <https://docs.aws.amazon.com/glue/latest/dg/tables-described.html>`__ in the *AWS Glue Developer Guide*.
**Example 3: To create a table for a AWS S3 data store**
The following ``create-table`` example creates a table in the AWS Glue Data Catalog that
describes a AWS Simple Storage Service (AWS S3) data store. ::
aws glue create-table \
--database-name tempdb \
--table-input '{"Name":"s3-output", "StorageDescriptor":{ \
"Columns":[ \
{"Name":"s1", "Type":"string"}, \
{"Name":"s2", "Type":"int"}, \
{"Name":"s3", "Type":"string"}
], \
"Location":"s3://bucket-path/", \
"SerdeInfo":{ \
"SerializationLibrary":"org.openx.data.jsonserde.JsonSerDe"} \
}, \
"Parameters":{ \
"classification":"json"} \
}' \
--profile my-profile \
--endpoint https://glue.us-east-1.amazonaws.com
This command produces no output.
For more information, see `Defining Tables in the AWS Glue Data Catalog <https://docs.aws.amazon.com/glue/latest/dg/tables-described.html>`__ in the *AWS Glue Developer Guide*.