**Example 1: To update the status of the requesting user's service-specific credential** The following ``update-service-specific-credential`` example changes the status for the specified credential for the user making the request to ``Inactive``. This command produces no output. :: aws iam update-service-specific-credential \ --service-specific-credential-id ACCAEXAMPLE123EXAMPLE \ --status Inactive **Example 2: To update the status of a specified user's service-specific credential** The following ``update-service-specific-credential`` example changes the status for the credential of the specified user to Inactive. This command produces no output. :: aws iam update-service-specific-credential \ --user-name sofia \ --service-specific-credential-id ACCAEXAMPLE123EXAMPLE \ --status Inactive For more information, see `Create Git Credentials for HTTPS Connections to CodeCommit <https://docs.aws.amazon.com/codecommit/latest/userguide/setting-up-gc.html#setting-up-gc-iam>`_ in the *AWS CodeCommit User Guide*