**To get information about an audit instance** The following ``describe-audit-task`` example gets information about an instance of an AWS IoT Device Defender audit. If the audit is complete, summary statistics for the run are included in the results. :: aws iot describe-audit-task \ --task-id a3aea009955e501a31b764abe1bebd3d Output:: { "taskStatus": "COMPLETED", "taskType": "ON_DEMAND_AUDIT_TASK", "taskStartTime": 1560356923.434, "taskStatistics": { "totalChecks": 3, "inProgressChecks": 0, "waitingForDataCollectionChecks": 0, "compliantChecks": 3, "nonCompliantChecks": 0, "failedChecks": 0, "canceledChecks": 0 }, "auditDetails": { "CA_CERTIFICATE_EXPIRING_CHECK": { "checkRunStatus": "COMPLETED_COMPLIANT", "checkCompliant": true, "totalResourcesCount": 0, "nonCompliantResourcesCount": 0 }, "DEVICE_CERTIFICATE_EXPIRING_CHECK": { "checkRunStatus": "COMPLETED_COMPLIANT", "checkCompliant": true, "totalResourcesCount": 6, "nonCompliantResourcesCount": 0 }, "REVOKED_CA_CERTIFICATE_STILL_ACTIVE_CHECK": { "checkRunStatus": "COMPLETED_COMPLIANT", "checkCompliant": true, "totalResourcesCount": 0, "nonCompliantResourcesCount": 0 } } } For more information, see `Audit Commands <https://docs.aws.amazon.com/iot/latest/developerguide/AuditCommands.html>`__ in the *AWS IoT Developer Guide*.