**To get information about a security profile** The following ``describe-security-profile`` example gets information about the AWS IoT Device Defender security profile named ``PossibleIssue.`` :: aws iot describe-security-profile \ --security-profile-name PossibleIssue Output:: { "securityProfileName": "PossibleIssue", "securityProfileArn": "arn:aws:iot:us-west-2:123456789012:securityprofile/PossibleIssue", "securityProfileDescription": "check to see if authorization fails 10 times in 5 minutes or if cellular bandwidth exceeds 128", "behaviors": [ { "name": "CellularBandwidth", "metric": "aws:message-byte-size", "criteria": { "comparisonOperator": "greater-than", "value": { "count": 128 }, "consecutiveDatapointsToAlarm": 1, "consecutiveDatapointsToClear": 1 } }, { "name": "Authorization", "metric": "aws:num-authorization-failures", "criteria": { "comparisonOperator": "greater-than", "value": { "count": 10 }, "durationSeconds": 300, "consecutiveDatapointsToAlarm": 1, "consecutiveDatapointsToClear": 1 } } ], "version": 1, "creationDate": 1560278102.528, "lastModifiedDate": 1560278102.528 } For more information, see `Detect Commands <https://docs.aws.amazon.com/iot/latest/developerguide/DetectCommands.html>`__ in the *AWS IoT Developer Guide*.