**To get a summary of current and previous streams for a specified channel in the current AWS region** The following ``list-stream-sessions`` example reports summary information for streams for a specified channel ARN (Amazon Resource Name). :: aws ivs list-stream-sessions \ --channel-arn arn:aws:ivs:us-west-2:123456789012:channel/abcdABCDefgh \ --max-results 25 \ --next-token "" Output:: { "nextToken": "set-2", "streamSessions": [ { "startTime": 1641578182, "endTime": 1641579982, "hasErrorEvent": false, "streamId": "mystream" } ... ] } For more information, see `Create a Channel <https://docs.aws.amazon.com/ivs/latest/userguide/GSIVS-create-channel.html>`__ in the *Amazon Interactive Video Service User Guide*.