**To import key material into a KMS key** The following ``import-key-material`` example uploads key material into a KMS key that was created with no key material. The key state of the KMS key must be ``PendingImport``. This command uses key material that you encrypted with the public key that the ``get-parameters-for-import`` command returned. It also uses the import token from the same ``get-parameters-for-import`` command. The ``expiration-model`` parameter indicates that the key material automatically expires on the date and time specified by the ``valid-to`` parameter. When the key material expires, AWS KMS deletes the key material, the key state of the KMS key changes to ``Pending import`` and the KMS key becomes unusable. To restore the KMS key, you must reimport the same key material. To use different key material, you must create a new KMS key. Before running this command, replace the example key ID with a valid key ID or key ARN from your AWS account. :: aws kms import-key-material \ --key-id 1234abcd-12ab-34cd-56ef-1234567890ab \ --encrypted-key-material fileb://EncryptedKeyMaterial.bin \ --import-token fileb://ImportToken.bin \ --expiration-model KEY_MATERIAL_EXPIRES \ --valid-to 2021-09-21T19:00:00Z This command produces no output. For more information about importing key material, see `Importing Key Material <https://docs.aws.amazon.com/kms/latest/developerguide/importing-keys.html>`__ in the *AWS Key Management Service Developer Guide*.