**Example 1: To grant permissions to the principal on resources using LF-Tags** The following ``grant-permissions`` example grants ALL permissions to the principal on database resource that matches the LF-Tag policy. :: aws lakeformation grant-permissions \ --cli-input-json file://input.json Contents of ``input.json``:: { "CatalogId": "123456789111", "Principal": { "DataLakePrincipalIdentifier": "arn:aws:iam::123456789111:user/lf-admin" }, "Resource": { "LFTagPolicy": { "CatalogId": "123456789111", "ResourceType": "DATABASE", "Expression": [{ "TagKey": "usergroup", "TagValues": [ "analyst", "developer" ] }] } }, "Permissions": [ "ALL" ], "PermissionsWithGrantOption": [ "ALL" ] } This command produces no output. For more information, see `Granting and revoking permissions on Data Catalog resources <https://docs.aws.amazon.com/lake-formation/latest/dg/granting-catalog-permissions.html>`__ in the *AWS Lake Formation Developer Guide*. **Example 2: To grant column level permissions to the principal** The following ``grant-permissions`` example grants permission to select specific column to the principal. :: aws lakeformation grant-permissions \ --cli-input-json file://input.json Contents of ``input.json``:: { "CatalogId": "123456789111", "Principal": { "DataLakePrincipalIdentifier": "arn:aws:iam::123456789111:user/lf-developer" }, "Resource": { "TableWithColumns": { "CatalogId": "123456789111", "ColumnNames": ["p_end_date_sk"], "DatabaseName": "tpc", "Name": "dl_tpc_promotion" } }, "Permissions": [ "SELECT" ], "PermissionsWithGrantOption": [] } This command produces no output. For more information, see `Granting and revoking permissions on Data Catalog resources <https://docs.aws.amazon.com/lake-formation/latest/dg/granting-catalog-permissions.html>`__ in the *AWS Lake Formation Developer Guide*. **Example 3: To grant table permissions to the principal** The following ``grant-permissions`` example grants select permission on all tables of given database to the principal. :: aws lakeformation grant-permissions \ --cli-input-json file://input.json Contents of ``input.json``:: { "CatalogId": "123456789111", "Principal": { "DataLakePrincipalIdentifier": "arn:aws:iam::123456789111:user/lf-developer" }, "Resource": { "Table": { "CatalogId": "123456789111", "DatabaseName": "tpc", "TableWildcard": {} } }, "Permissions": [ "SELECT" ], "PermissionsWithGrantOption": [] } This command produces no output. For more information, see `Granting and revoking permissions on Data Catalog resources <https://docs.aws.amazon.com/lake-formation/latest/dg/granting-catalog-permissions.html>`__ in the *AWS Lake Formation Developer Guide*. **Example 4: To grant permissions on LF-Tags to the principal** The following ``grant-permissions`` example grants associate permission on LF-Tags to the principal. :: aws lakeformation grant-permissions \ --cli-input-json file://input.json Contents of ``input.json``:: { "CatalogId": "123456789111", "Principal": { "DataLakePrincipalIdentifier": "arn:aws:iam::123456789111:user/lf-developer" }, "Resource": { "LFTag": { "CatalogId": "123456789111", "TagKey": "category", "TagValues": [ "private", "public" ] } }, "Permissions": [ "ASSOCIATE" ], "PermissionsWithGrantOption": [] } This command produces no output. For more information, see `Granting and revoking permissions on Data Catalog resources <https://docs.aws.amazon.com/lake-formation/latest/dg/granting-catalog-permissions.html>`__ in the *AWS Lake Formation Developer Guide*. **Example 5: To grant permissions on data locations to the principal** The following ``grant-permissions`` example grants permission on data location to the principal. :: aws lakeformation grant-permissions \ --cli-input-json file://input.json Contents of ``input.json``:: { "CatalogId": "123456789111", "Principal": { "DataLakePrincipalIdentifier": "arn:aws:iam::123456789111:user/lf-developer" }, "Resource": { "DataLocation": { "CatalogId": "123456789111", "ResourceArn": "arn:aws:s3:::lf-data-lake-123456789111" } }, "Permissions": [ "DATA_LOCATION_ACCESS" ], "PermissionsWithGrantOption": [] } This command produces no output. For more information, see `Granting and revoking permissions on Data Catalog resources <https://docs.aws.amazon.com/lake-formation/latest/dg/granting-catalog-permissions.html>`__ in the *AWS Lake Formation Developer Guide*.