**To create a create a disk from a disk snapshot** The following ``create-disk-from-snapshot`` example creates a block storage disk named ``Disk-2`` from the specified block storage disk snapshot. The disk is created in the specified AWS Region and Availability Zone, with 32 GB of storage space. :: aws lightsail create-disk-from-snapshot \ --disk-name Disk-2 \ --disk-snapshot-name Disk-1-1566839161 \ --availability-zone us-west-2a \ --size-in-gb 32 Output:: { "operations": [ { "id": "d42b605d-5ef1-4b4a-8791-7a3e8b66b5e7", "resourceName": "Disk-2", "resourceType": "Disk", "createdAt": 1569624941.471, "location": { "availabilityZone": "us-west-2a", "regionName": "us-west-2" }, "isTerminal": false, "operationType": "CreateDiskFromSnapshot", "status": "Started", "statusChangedAt": 1569624941.791 } ] } For more information, see `Creating a block storage disk from a snapshot in Amazon Lightsail <https://lightsail.aws.amazon.com/ls/docs/en_us/articles/create-new-block-storage-disk-from-snapshot>`__ in the *Lightsail Developer Guide*.