**To create a domain entry (DNS record)** The following ``create-domain-entry`` example creates a DNS record (A) for the apex of the specified domain that points to an instance's IP address. **Note:** Lightsail's domain-related API operations are available in only the ``us-east-1`` Region. If your CLI profile is configured to use a different Region, you must include the ``--region us-east-1`` parameter or the command fails. :: aws lightsail create-domain-entry \ --region us-east-1 \ --domain-name example.com \ --domain-entry name=example.com,type=A,target= Output:: { "operation": { "id": "5be4494d-56f4-41fc-8730-693dcd0ef9e2", "resourceName": "example.com", "resourceType": "Domain", "createdAt": 1569865296.519, "location": { "availabilityZone": "all", "regionName": "global" }, "isTerminal": true, "operationType": "CreateDomainEntry", "status": "Succeeded", "statusChangedAt": 1569865296.519 } } For more information, see `DNS in Amazon Lightsail <https://lightsail.aws.amazon.com/ls/docs/en_us/articles/understanding-dns-in-amazon-lightsail>`__ and `Creating a DNS zone to manage your domain's DNS records in Amazon Lightsail <https://lightsail.aws.amazon.com/ls/docs/en_us/articles/lightsail-how-to-create-dns-entry>`__ in the *Lightsail Developer Guide*.