**To create an instance from a snapshot** The following ``create-instances-from-snapshot`` example creates an instance from the specified instance snapshot, in the specified AWS Region and Availability Zone, using the $10 USD bundle. **Note:** The bundle that you specify must be equal to or greater in specifications than the bundle of the original source instance used to create the snapshot. :: aws lightsail create-instances-from-snapshot \ --instance-snapshot-name WordPress-1-1569866208 \ --instance-names WordPress-2 \ --availability-zone us-west-2a \ --bundle-id medium_2_0 Output:: { "operations": [ { "id": "003f8271-b711-464d-b9b8-7f3806cb496e", "resourceName": "WordPress-2", "resourceType": "Instance", "createdAt": 1569865914.908, "location": { "availabilityZone": "us-west-2a", "regionName": "us-west-2" }, "isTerminal": false, "operationType": "CreateInstancesFromSnapshot", "status": "Started", "statusChangedAt": 1569865914.908 } ] }