**Example 1: To create a single instance** The following ``create-instances`` example creates an instance in the specified AWS Region and Availability Zone, using the WordPress blueprint, and the $3.50 USD bundle. :: aws lightsail create-instances \ --instance-names Instance-1 \ --availability-zone us-west-2a \ --blueprint-id wordpress_5_1_1_2 \ --bundle-id nano_2_0 Output:: { "operations": [ { "id": "9a77158f-7be3-4d6d-8054-cf5ae2b720cc", "resourceName": "Instance-1", "resourceType": "Instance", "createdAt": 1569447986.061, "location": { "availabilityZone": "us-west-2a", "regionName": "us-west-2" }, "isTerminal": false, "operationType": "CreateInstance", "status": "Started", "statusChangedAt": 1569447986.061 } ] } **Example 2: To create multiple instances at one time** The following ``create-instances`` example creates three instances in the specified AWS Region and Availability Zone, using the WordPress blueprint, and the $3.50 USD bundle. :: aws lightsail create-instances \ --instance-names {"Instance1","Instance2","Instance3"} \ --availability-zone us-west-2a \ --blueprint-id wordpress_5_1_1_2 \ --bundle-id nano_2_0 Output:: { "operations": [ { "id": "5492f015-9d2e-48c6-8eea-b516840e6903", "resourceName": "Instance1", "resourceType": "Instance", "createdAt": 1569448780.054, "location": { "availabilityZone": "us-west-2a", "regionName": "us-west-2" }, "isTerminal": false, "operationType": "CreateInstance", "status": "Started", "statusChangedAt": 1569448780.054 }, { "id": "c58b5f46-2676-44c8-b95c-3ad375898515", "resourceName": "Instance2", "resourceType": "Instance", "createdAt": 1569448780.054, "location": { "availabilityZone": "us-west-2a", "regionName": "us-west-2" }, "isTerminal": false, "operationType": "CreateInstance", "status": "Started", "statusChangedAt": 1569448780.054 }, { "id": "a5ad8006-9bee-4499-9eb7-75e42e6f5882", "resourceName": "Instance3", "resourceType": "Instance", "createdAt": 1569448780.054, "location": { "availabilityZone": "us-west-2a", "regionName": "us-west-2" }, "isTerminal": false, "operationType": "CreateInstance", "status": "Started", "statusChangedAt": 1569448780.054 } ] }