**To get information about all domains** The following ``get-domains`` example displays details about all of the domains in the configured AWS Region. **Note:** Lightsail's domain-related API operations are available in only the ``us-east-1`` AWS Region. If your CLI profile is configured to use a different Region, you must include the ``--region us-east-1`` parameter or the command fails. :: aws lightsail get-domains \ --region us-east-1 Output:: { "domains": [ { "name": "example.com", "arn": "arn:aws:lightsail:global:111122223333:Domain/28cda903-3f15-44b2-9baf-3EXAMPLEb304", "supportCode": "6EXAMPLE3362//hostedzone/ZEXAMPLEONGSC1", "createdAt": 1570728588.6, "location": { "availabilityZone": "all", "regionName": "global" }, "resourceType": "Domain", "tags": [], "domainEntries": [ { "id": "-1682899164", "name": "example.com", "target": "", "isAlias": false, "type": "A" }, { "id": "1703104243", "name": "example.com", "target": "ns-137.awsdns-17.com", "isAlias": false, "type": "NS" }, { "id": "-1038331153", "name": "example.com", "target": "ns-4567.awsdns-21.co.uk", "isAlias": false, "type": "NS" }, { "id": "-2107289565", "name": "example.com", "target": "ns-333.awsdns-22.net", "isAlias": false, "type": "NS" }, { "id": "1582095705", "name": "example.com", "target": "ns-1111.awsdns-51.org", "isAlias": false, "type": "NS" }, { "id": "-1769796132", "name": "example.com", "target": "ns-1234.awsdns-21.co.uk. awsdns-hostmaster.amazon.com. 1 7200 900 1209600 86400", "isAlias": false, "type": "SOA" }, { "id": "1029454894", "name": "_dead6a124ede046a0319eb44a4eb3cbc.example.com", "target": "_be133b0a0899fb7b6bf79d9741d1a383.hkvuiqjoua.acm-validations.aws", "isAlias": false, "type": "CNAME" } ] }, { "name": "example.net", "arn": "arn:aws:lightsail:global:111122223333:Domain/9c9f0d70-c92e-4753-86c2-6EXAMPLE029d", "supportCode": "6EXAMPLE3362//hostedzone/ZEXAMPLE5TPKMV", "createdAt": 1556661071.384, "location": { "availabilityZone": "all", "regionName": "global" }, "resourceType": "Domain", "tags": [], "domainEntries": [ { "id": "-766320943", "name": "example.net", "target": "", "isAlias": false, "type": "A" }, { "id": "-453913825", "name": "example.net", "target": "ns-123.awsdns-10.net", "isAlias": false, "type": "NS" }, { "id": "1553601564", "name": "example.net", "target": "ns-4444.awsdns-47.co.uk", "isAlias": false, "type": "NS" }, { "id": "1653797661", "name": "example.net", "target": "ns-7890.awsdns-61.org", "isAlias": false, "type": "NS" }, { "id": "706414698", "name": "example.net", "target": "ns-123.awsdns-44.com", "isAlias": false, "type": "NS" }, { "id": "337271745", "name": "example.net", "target": "ns-4444.awsdns-47.co.uk. awsdns-hostmaster.amazon.com. 1 7200 900 1209600 86400", "isAlias": false, "type": "SOA" }, { "id": "-1785431096", "name": "www.example.net", "target": "", "isAlias": false, "type": "A" } ] }, { "name": "example.org", "arn": "arn:aws:lightsail:global:111122223333:Domain/f0f13ba3-3df0-4fdc-8ebb-1EXAMPLEf26e", "supportCode": "6EXAMPLE3362//hostedzone/ZEXAMPLEAFO38", "createdAt": 1556661199.106, "location": { "availabilityZone": "all", "regionName": "global" }, "resourceType": "Domain", "tags": [], "domainEntries": [ { "id": "2065301345", "name": "example.org", "target": "", "isAlias": false, "type": "A" }, { "id": "-447198516", "name": "example.org", "target": "ns-123.awsdns-45.com", "isAlias": false, "type": "NS" }, { "id": "136463022", "name": "example.org", "target": "ns-9999.awsdns-15.co.uk", "isAlias": false, "type": "NS" }, { "id": "1395941679", "name": "example.org", "target": "ns-555.awsdns-01.net", "isAlias": false, "type": "NS" }, { "id": "872052569", "name": "example.org", "target": "ns-6543.awsdns-38.org", "isAlias": false, "type": "NS" }, { "id": "1001949377", "name": "example.org", "target": "ns-1234.awsdns-15.co.uk. awsdns-hostmaster.amazon.com. 1 7200 900 1209600 86400", "isAlias": false, "type": "SOA" }, { "id": "1046191192", "name": "www.example.org", "target": "", "isAlias": false, "type": "A" } ] } ] }