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**To get log events for a relational database**

The following ``get-relational-database-log-events`` example displays details about the specified log between ``1570733176`` and ``1571597176`` for relational database ``Database1``. The information returned is configured to start from ``head``.

We recommend that you use a unix time converter to identify the start and end times. ::

    aws lightsail get-relational-database-log-events \
        --relational-database-name Database1 \
        --log-stream-name error \
        --start-from-head \
        --start-time 1570733176 \
        --end-time 1571597176


        "resourceLogEvents": [
                "createdAt": 1570820267.0,
                "message": "2019-10-11 18:57:47 20969 [Warning] IP address '' could not be resolved: Name or service not known"
                "createdAt": 1570860974.0,
                "message": "2019-10-12 06:16:14 20969 [Warning] IP address '8192.0.2.0' could not be resolved: Temporary failure in name resolution"
                "createdAt": 1570860977.0,
                "message": "2019-10-12 06:16:17 20969 [Warning] IP address '' could not be resolved: Temporary failure in name resolution"
                "createdAt": 1570860979.0,
                "message": "2019-10-12 06:16:19 20969 [Warning] IP address '' could not be resolved: Temporary failure in name resolution"
                "createdAt": 1570860981.0,
                "message": "2019-10-12 06:16:21 20969 [Warning] IP address '' could not be resolved: Temporary failure in name resolution"
                "createdAt": 1570860982.0,
                "message": "2019-10-12 06:16:22 20969 [Warning] IP address '' could not be resolved: Temporary failure in name resolution"
                "createdAt": 1570860984.0,
                "message": "2019-10-12 06:16:24 20969 [Warning] IP address '' could not be resolved: Temporary failure in name resolution"
                "createdAt": 1570860986.0,
                "message": "2019-10-12 06:16:26 20969 [Warning] IP address '' could not be resolved: Temporary failure in name resolution"
        "nextForwardToken": "eEXAMPLEZXJUZXh0IjoiT09Lb0Z6ZFRJbHhaNEQ5N2tPbkkwRmwwNUxPZjFTbFFwUklQbzlSaWgvMWVXbEk4aG56VHg4bW1Gb3grbDVodUVNZEdiZXN0TzVYcjlLK1FUdFB2RlJLS2FMcU05WkN3Rm1uVzBkOFpDR2g0b1BBVlg2NVFGNDNPazZzRXJieHRuU0xzdkRNTkFUMTZibU9HM2YyaGxiS0hUUDA9Iiwibm9uY2UiOiJFQmI4STQ3cU5aWXNXZ0g4IiwiY2lwaGVyIjoiQUVTL0dDTS9Ob1BhZGEXAMPLEQ=="


Name Type Size Permission Actions
allocate-static-ip.rst File 824 B 0644
attach-disk.rst File 1.55 KB 0644
attach-instances-to-load-balancer.rst File 3.98 KB 0644
attach-load-balancer-tls-certificate.rst File 1.64 KB 0644
attach-static-ip.rst File 1.46 KB 0644
close-instance-public-ports.rst File 864 B 0644
copy-snapshot.rst File 5.39 KB 0644
create-disk-from-snapshot.rst File 1.3 KB 0644
create-disk-snapshot.rst File 3.42 KB 0644
create-disk.rst File 917 B 0644
create-domain-entry.rst File 1.45 KB 0644
create-domain.rst File 1.31 KB 0644
create-instance-snapshot.rst File 1.54 KB 0644
create-instances-from-snapshot.rst File 1.21 KB 0644
create-instances.rst File 3.09 KB 0644
create-key-pair.rst File 2.78 KB 0644
create-load-balancer-tls-certificate.rst File 1.88 KB 0644
create-load-balancer.rst File 2.51 KB 0644
create-relational-database-from-snapshot.rst File 1.35 KB 0644
create-relational-database-snapshot.rst File 1.65 KB 0644
create-relational-database.rst File 1.31 KB 0644
delete-auto-snapshot.rst File 1.11 KB 0644
delete-disk-snapshot.rst File 851 B 0644
delete-disk.rst File 774 B 0644
delete-domain-entry.rst File 1.06 KB 0644
delete-domain.rst File 1011 B 0644
delete-instance-snapshot.rst File 842 B 0644
delete-instance.rst File 1.92 KB 0644
delete-key-pair.rst File 710 B 0644
delete-known-host-keys.rst File 1.1 KB 0644
delete-load-balancer-tls-certificate.rst File 1.52 KB 0644
delete-load-balancer.rst File 2.03 KB 0644
delete-relational-database-snapshot.rst File 949 B 0644
delete-relational-database.rst File 2.11 KB 0644
detach-static-ip.rst File 1.43 KB 0644
get-active-names.rst File 359 B 0644
get-auto-snapshots.rst File 1.34 KB 0644
get-blueprints.rst File 4.21 KB 0644
get-bundles.rst File 1.7 KB 0644
get-cloud-formation-stack-records.rst File 1.59 KB 0644
get-disk-snapshot.rst File 1.07 KB 0644
get-disk-snapshots.rst File 1.89 KB 0644
get-disk.rst File 1011 B 0644
get-disks.rst File 1.74 KB 0644
get-domain.rst File 2.46 KB 0644
get-domains.rst File 7.94 KB 0644
get-export-snapshot-record.rst File 3.6 KB 0644
get-instance-access-details.rst File 5.97 KB 0644
get-instance-metric-data.rst File 2.47 KB 0644
get-instance-port-states.rst File 775 B 0644
get-instance-snapshot.rst File 1.15 KB 0644
get-instance-snapshots.rst File 2.26 KB 0644
get-instance-state.rst File 325 B 0644
get-instance.rst File 2.86 KB 0644
get-instances.rst File 8.36 KB 0644
get-key-pair.rst File 756 B 0644
get-key-pairs.rst File 828 B 0644
get-load-balancer-tls-certificates.rst File 1.99 KB 0644
get-load-balancer.rst File 1.88 KB 0644
get-load-balancers.rst File 2.06 KB 0644
get-operation.rst File 766 B 0644
get-operations-for-resource.rst File 2.13 KB 0644
get-operations.rst File 2.02 KB 0644
get-regions.rst File 1.32 KB 0644
get-relational-database-blueprints.rst File 2.21 KB 0644
get-relational-database-bundles.rst File 3.71 KB 0644
get-relational-database-events.rst File 946 B 0644
get-relational-database-log-events.rst File 3.06 KB 0644
get-relational-database-log-streams.rst File 443 B 0644
get-relational-database-master-user-password.rst File 464 B 0644
get-relational-database-metric-data.rst File 2.05 KB 0644
get-relational-database-parameters.rst File 2.24 KB 0644
get-relational-database-snapshot.rst File 1.31 KB 0644
get-relational-database-snapshots.rst File 2.5 KB 0644
get-relational-database.rst File 1.74 KB 0644
get-relational-databases.rst File 3.57 KB 0644
get-static-ip.rst File 732 B 0644
get-static-ips.rst File 1.36 KB 0644
is-vpc-peered.rst File 336 B 0644
open-instance-public-ports.rst File 858 B 0644
peer-vpc.rst File 815 B 0644
reboot-instance.rst File 813 B 0644
reboot-relational-database.rst File 894 B 0644
release-static-ip.rst File 783 B 0644
start-instance.rst File 779 B 0644
start-relational-database.rst File 851 B 0644
stop-instance.rst File 770 B 0644
stop-relational-database.rst File 844 B 0644
unpeer-vpc.rst File 824 B 0644