**To create a site** The following ``create-site`` example creates a site in the specified global network. The site details include a description and the location information. :: aws networkmanager create-site \ --global-network-id global-network-01231231231231231 \ --description "New York head office" \ --location Latitude=40.7128,Longitude=-74.0060 \ --region us-west-2 Output:: { "Site": { "SiteId": "site-444555aaabbb11223", "SiteArn": "arn:aws:networkmanager::123456789012:site/global-network-01231231231231231/site-444555aaabbb11223", "GlobalNetworkId": "global-network-01231231231231231", "Description": "New York head office", "Location": { "Latitude": "40.7128", "Longitude": "-74.0060" }, "CreatedAt": 1575554300.0, "State": "PENDING" } } For more information, see `Working with Sites <https://docs.aws.amazon.com/vpc/latest/tgw/on-premises-networks.html#working-with-sites>`__ in the *Transit Gateway Network Manager Guide*.