**Example 1: To create a VCF annotation store** The following ``create-annotation-store`` example creates a VCF format annotation store. :: aws omics create-annotation-store \ --name my_ann_store \ --store-format VCF \ --reference referenceArn=arn:aws:omics:us-west-2:123456789012:referenceStore/1234567890/reference/1234567890 Output:: { "creationTime": "2022-11-23T22:48:39.226492Z", "id": "0a91xmplc71f", "name": "my_ann_store", "reference": { "referenceArn": "arn:aws:omics:us-west-2:123456789012:referenceStore/1234567890/reference/1234567890" }, "status": "CREATING", "storeFormat": "VCF" } **Example 2: To create a TSV annotation store** The following ``create-annotation-store`` example creates a TSV format annotation store. :: aws omics create-annotation-store \ --name tsv_ann_store \ --store-format TSV \ --reference referenceArn=arn:aws:omics:us-west-2:123456789012:referenceStore/1234567890/reference/1234567890 \ --store-options file://tsv-store-options.json ``tsv-store-options.json`` configures format options for annotations. :: { "tsvStoreOptions": { "annotationType": "CHR_START_END_ZERO_BASE", "formatToHeader": { "CHR": "chromosome", "START": "start", "END": "end" }, "schema": [ { "chromosome": "STRING" }, { "start": "LONG" }, { "end": "LONG" }, { "name": "STRING" } ] } } Output:: { "creationTime": "2022-11-30T01:28:08.525586Z", "id": "861cxmpl96b0", "name": "tsv_ann_store", "reference": { "referenceArn": "arn:aws:omics:us-west-2:123456789012:referenceStore/1234567890/reference/1234567890" }, "status": "CREATING", "storeFormat": "TSV", "storeOptions": { "tsvStoreOptions": { "annotationType": "CHR_START_END_ZERO_BASE", "formatToHeader": { "CHR": "chromosome", "END": "end", "START": "start" }, "schema": [ { "chromosome": "STRING" }, { "start": "LONG" }, { "end": "LONG" }, { "name": "STRING" } ] } } } For more information, see `Omics Analytics <https://docs.aws.amazon.com/omics/latest/dev/omics-analytics.html>`__ in the Amazon Omics Developer Guide.