**To create a workflow** The following ``create-workflow`` example creates a WDL workflow. :: aws omics create-workflow \ --name cram-converter \ --engine WDL \ --definition-zip fileb://workflow-crambam.zip \ --parameter-template file://workflow-params.json ``workflow-crambam.zip`` is a ZIP archive containing a workflow definition. ``workflow-params.json`` defines runtime parameters for the workflow. :: { "ref_fasta" : { "description": "Reference genome fasta file", "optional": false }, "ref_fasta_index" : { "description": "Index of the reference genome fasta file", "optional": false }, "ref_dict" : { "description": "dictionary file for 'ref_fasta'", "optional": false }, "input_cram" : { "description": "The Cram file to convert to BAM", "optional": false }, "sample_name" : { "description": "The name of the input sample, used to name the output BAM", "optional": false } } Output:: { "arn": "arn:aws:omics:us-west-2:123456789012:workflow/1234567", "id": "1234567", "status": "CREATING", "tags": {} } For more information, see `Omics Workflows <https://docs.aws.amazon.com/omics/latest/dev/workflows.html>`__ in the *Amazon Omics Developer Guide*.