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**Example 1: To deploy apps and run stack commands**

The following examples show how to use the ``create-deployment`` command to deploy apps and run stack commands.  Notice that the quote (``"``) characters in the JSON object that specifies the command are all preceded by escape characters (\\). Without the escape characters, the command might return an invalid JSON error.

The following ``create-deployment`` example deploys an app to a specified stack. ::

    aws opsworks create-deployment \
        --stack-id cfb7e082-ad1d-4599-8e81-de1c39ab45bf \
        --app-id 307be5c8-d55d-47b5-bd6e-7bd417c6c7eb 
        --command "{\"Name\":\"deploy\"}"


        "DeploymentId": "5746c781-df7f-4c87-84a7-65a119880560"

**Example 2: To deploy a Rails App and Migrate the Database**

The following ``create-deployment`` command deploys a Ruby on Rails app to a specified stack and migrates the database. ::

    aws opsworks create-deployment \
        --stack-id cfb7e082-ad1d-4599-8e81-de1c39ab45bf \
        --app-id 307be5c8-d55d-47b5-bd6e-7bd417c6c7eb \
        --command "{\"Name\":\"deploy\", \"Args\":{\"migrate\":[\"true\"]}}"


        "DeploymentId": "5746c781-df7f-4c87-84a7-65a119880560"

For more information on deployment, see `Deploying Apps <https://docs.aws.amazon.com/opsworks/latest/userguide/workingapps-deploying.html>`__ in the *AWS OpsWorks User Guide*.

**Example 3: Run a Recipe**

The following ``create-deployment`` command runs a custom recipe, ``phpapp::appsetup``, on the instances in a specified stack. ::

    aws opsworks create-deployment \
        --stack-id 935450cc-61e0-4b03-a3e0-160ac817d2bb \
        --command "{\"Name\":\"execute_recipes\", \"Args\":{\"recipes\":[\"phpapp::appsetup\"]}}"


        "DeploymentId": "5cbaa7b9-4e09-4e53-aa1b-314fbd106038"

For more information, see `Run Stack Commands <https://docs.aws.amazon.com/opsworks/latest/userguide/workingstacks-commands.html>`__ in the *AWS OpsWorks User Guide*.

**Example 4: Install Dependencies**

The following ``create-deployment`` command installs dependencies, such as packages or Ruby gems, on the instances in a
specified stack. ::

    aws opsworks create-deployment \
        --stack-id 935450cc-61e0-4b03-a3e0-160ac817d2bb \
        --command "{\"Name\":\"install_dependencies\"}"


        "DeploymentId": "aef5b255-8604-4928-81b3-9b0187f962ff"

For more information, see `Run Stack Commands <https://docs.aws.amazon.com/opsworks/latest/userguide/workingstacks-commands.html>`__ in the *AWS OpsWorks User Guide*.


Name Type Size Permission Actions
assign-instance.rst File 557 B 0644
assign-volume.rst File 905 B 0644
associate-elastic-ip.rst File 496 B 0644
attach-elastic-load-balancer.rst File 523 B 0644
create-app.rst File 1.96 KB 0644
create-deployment.rst File 2.55 KB 0644
create-instance.rst File 1.02 KB 0644
create-layer.rst File 586 B 0644
create-server.rst File 2.26 KB 0644
create-stack.rst File 1.06 KB 0644
create-user-profile.rst File 1.15 KB 0644
delete-app.rst File 525 B 0644
delete-instance.rst File 995 B 0644
delete-layer.rst File 712 B 0644
delete-stack.rst File 733 B 0644
delete-user-profile.rst File 765 B 0644
deregister-elastic-ip.rst File 520 B 0644
deregister-instance.rst File 531 B 0644
deregister-rds-db-instance.rst File 791 B 0644
deregister-volume.rst File 638 B 0644
describe-apps.rst File 1.04 KB 0644
describe-commands.rst File 1.94 KB 0644
describe-deployments.rst File 1.68 KB 0644
describe-elastic-ips.rst File 608 B 0644
describe-elastic-load-balancers.rst File 1.12 KB 0644
describe-instances.rst File 3.32 KB 0644
describe-layers.rst File 5.64 KB 0644
describe-load-based-auto-scaling.rst File 1.22 KB 0644
describe-my-user-profile.rst File 841 B 0644
describe-permissions.rst File 903 B 0644
describe-raid-arrays.rst File 1.05 KB 0644
describe-rds-db-instances.rst File 1013 B 0644
describe-stack-provisioning-parameters.rst File 1.78 KB 0644
describe-stack-summary.rst File 770 B 0644
describe-stacks.rst File 2.22 KB 0644
describe-timebased-auto-scaling.rst File 1.2 KB 0644
describe-user-profiles.rst File 922 B 0644
describe-volumes.rst File 835 B 0644
detach-elastic-load-balancer.rst File 521 B 0644
disassociate-elastic-ip.rst File 454 B 0644
get-hostname-suggestion.rst File 695 B 0644
reboot-instance.rst File 448 B 0644
register-elastic-ip.rst File 697 B 0644
register-rds-db-instance.rst File 918 B 0644
register-volume.rst File 639 B 0644
register.rst File 6.85 KB 0644
set-load-based-auto-scaling.rst File 1.32 KB 0644
set-permission.rst File 1.24 KB 0644
set-time-based-auto-scaling.rst File 1.06 KB 0644
start-instance.rst File 851 B 0644
start-stack.rst File 520 B 0644
stop-instance.rst File 762 B 0644
stop-stack.rst File 519 B 0644
unassign-instance.rst File 524 B 0644
unassign-volume.rst File 719 B 0644
update-app.rst File 417 B 0644
update-elastic-ip.rst File 436 B 0644
update-instance.rst File 485 B 0644
update-layer.rst File 519 B 0644
update-my-user-profile.rst File 723 B 0644
update-rds-db-instance.rst File 758 B 0644
update-volume.rst File 758 B 0644