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**Example 1: To create a policy with a text source file for the JSON policy**

The following example shows you how to create an service control policy (SCP) named ``AllowAllS3Actions``. The policy contents are taken from a file on the local computer called ``policy.json``. ::

	aws organizations create-policy --content file://policy.json --name AllowAllS3Actions, --type SERVICE_CONTROL_POLICY --description "Allows delegation of all S3 actions"
The output includes a policy object with details about the new policy: ::

		"Policy": {
			"Content": "{\"Version\":\"2012-10-17\",\"Statement\":[{\"Effect\":\"Allow\",\"Action\":[\"s3:*\"],\"Resource\":[\"*\"]}]}",
			"PolicySummary": {
				"Arn": "arn:aws:organizations::o-exampleorgid:policy/service_control_policy/p-examplepolicyid111",
				"Description": "Allows delegation of all S3 actions",
				"Name": "AllowAllS3Actions",
**Example 2: To create a policy with a JSON policy as a parameter**

The following example shows you how to create the same SCP, this time by embedding the policy contents as a JSON string in the parameter. The string must be escaped with backslashes before the double quotes to ensure that they are treated as literals in the parameter, which itself is surrounded by double quotes: ::

	aws organizations create-policy --content "{\"Version\":\"2012-10-17\",\"Statement\":[{\"Effect\":\"Allow\",\"Action\":[\"s3:*\"],\"Resource\":[\"*\"]}]}" --name AllowAllS3Actions --type SERVICE_CONTROL_POLICY --description "Allows delegation of all S3 actions"

For more information about creating and using policies in your organization, see `Managing Organization Policies`_ in the *AWS Organizations User Guide*.

.. _`Managing Organization Policies`: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/organizations/latest/userguide/orgs_manage_policies.html


Name Type Size Permission Actions
accept-handshake.rst File 1.23 KB 0755
attach-policy.rst File 484 B 0755
cancel-handshake.rst File 1.43 KB 0755
create-account.rst File 1.42 KB 0755
create-organization.rst File 1.87 KB 0755
create-organizational-unit.rst File 517 B 0755
create-policy.rst File 1.82 KB 0755
decline-handshake.rst File 1.36 KB 0755
delete-organization.rst File 337 B 0755
delete-organizational-unit.rst File 268 B 0755
delete-policy.rst File 245 B 0755
describe-account.rst File 541 B 0755
describe-create-account-status.rst File 831 B 0755
describe-handshake.rst File 1.25 KB 0755
describe-organization.rst File 720 B 0755
describe-organizational-unit.rst File 516 B 0755
describe-policy.rst File 799 B 0755
detach-policy.rst File 234 B 0755
disable-policy-type.rst File 531 B 0755
enable-all-features.rst File 1.23 KB 0755
enable-policy-type.rst File 623 B 0755
invite-account-to-organization.rst File 1.33 KB 0755
leave-organization.rst File 224 B 0755
list-accounts-for-parent.rst File 899 B 0755
list-accounts.rst File 1.37 KB 0755
list-children.rst File 562 B 0755
list-create-account-status.rst File 1.22 KB 0755
list-handshakes-for-account.rst File 1.25 KB 0755
list-handshakes-for-organization.rst File 2.39 KB 0755
list-organizational-units-for-parent.rst File 664 B 0755
list-parents.rst File 425 B 0755
list-policies-for-target.rst File 956 B 0755
list-policies.rst File 1.32 KB 0755
list-roots.rst File 521 B 0755
list-targets-for-policy.rst File 1.01 KB 0755
move-account.rst File 310 B 0755
remove-account-from-organization.rst File 233 B 0755
update-organizational-unit.rst File 493 B 0755
update-policy.rst File 2.02 KB 0755