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**Example 1: To create a ledger with default properties**

The following ``create-ledger`` example creates a ledger with the name ``myExampleLedger`` and the permissions mode ``STANDARD``. The optional parameters for deletion protection and AWS KMS key are not specified, so they default to ``true`` and an AWS owned KMS key respectively. ::

    aws qldb create-ledger \
        --name myExampleLedger \
        --permissions-mode STANDARD


        "State": "CREATING",
        "Arn": "arn:aws:qldb:us-west-2:123456789012:ledger/myExampleLedger",
        "DeletionProtection": true,
        "CreationDateTime": 1568839243.951,
        "Name": "myExampleLedger",
        "PermissionsMode": "STANDARD"

**Example 2: To create a ledger with deletion protection disabled, a customer managed KMS key, and specified tags**

The following ``create-ledger`` example creates a ledger with the name ``myExampleLedger2`` and the permissions mode ``STANDARD``. The deletion protection feature is disabled, the specified customer managed KMS key is used for encryption at rest, and the specified tags are attached to the resource. ::

    aws qldb create-ledger \
        --name myExampleLedger2 \
        --permissions-mode STANDARD \
        --no-deletion-protection \
        --kms-key arn:aws:kms:us-west-2:123456789012:key/a1b2c3d4-5678-90ab-cdef-EXAMPLE11111 \
        --tags IsTest=true,Domain=Test


        "Arn": "arn:aws:qldb:us-west-2:123456789012:ledger/myExampleLedger2",
        "DeletionProtection": false,
        "CreationDateTime": 1568839543.557,
        "State": "CREATING",
        "Name": "myExampleLedger2",
        "PermissionsMode": "STANDARD",
        "KmsKeyArn": "arn:aws:kms:us-west-2:123456789012:key/a1b2c3d4-5678-90ab-cdef-EXAMPLE11111"

For more information, see `Basic Operations for Amazon QLDB Ledgers <https://docs.aws.amazon.com/qldb/latest/developerguide/ledger-management.basics.html>`__ in the *Amazon QLDB Developer Guide*.


Name Type Size Permission Actions
cancel-journal-kinesis-stream.rst File 534 B 0644
create-ledger.rst File 1.95 KB 0644
delete-ledger.rst File 389 B 0644
describe-journal-kinesis-stream.rst File 1.22 KB 0644
describe-journal-s3-export.rst File 1.11 KB 0644
describe-ledger.rst File 850 B 0644
export-journal-to-s3.rst File 1.04 KB 0644
get-block.rst File 5.45 KB 0644
get-digest.rst File 611 B 0644
get-revision.rst File 3.99 KB 0644
list-journal-kinesis-streams-for-ledger.rst File 1.26 KB 0644
list-journal-s3-exports-for-ledger.rst File 1.15 KB 0644
list-journal-s3-exports.rst File 1.82 KB 0644
list-ledgers.rst File 751 B 0644
list-tags-for-resource.rst File 545 B 0644
stream-journal-to-kinesis.rst File 2.13 KB 0644
tag-resource.rst File 460 B 0644
untag-resource.rst File 497 B 0644
update-ledger-permissions-mode.rst File 1.15 KB 0644
update-ledger.rst File 2.15 KB 0644