**Example 1: To list resource shares you own and share with others** The following ``get-resource-shares`` example lists the resource shares that created and are sharing with others. :: aws ram get-resource-shares \ --resource-owner SELF Output:: { "resourceShares": [ { "resourceShareArn": "arn:aws:ram:us-west-2:123456789012:resource-share/3ab63985-99d9-1cd2-7d24-75e93EXAMPLE", "name": "my-resource-share", "owningAccountId": "123456789012", "allowExternalPrincipals": false, "status": "ACTIVE", "tags": [ { "key": "project", "value": "lima" } ] "creationTime": 1565295733.282, "lastUpdatedTime": 1565295733.282 }, { "resourceShareArn": "arn:aws:ram:us-west-2:123456789012:resource-share/7ab63972-b505-7e2a-420d-6f5d3EXAMPLE", "name": "my-resource-share", "owningAccountId": "123456789012", "allowExternalPrincipals": true, "status": "ACTIVE", "creationTime": 1565295733.282, "lastUpdatedTime": 1565295733.282 } ] } **Example 2: To list resource shares owned by others and shared with you** The following ``get-resource-shares`` example lists the resource shares that others created and shared with you. In this example, there are none. :: aws ram get-resource-shares \ --resource-owner OTHER-ACCOUNTS Output:: { "resourceShares": [] }