Get a Description of All Cluster Parameter Groups ------------------------------------------------- This example returns a description of all cluster parameter groups for the account, with column headers. By default, the output is in JSON format. Command:: aws redshift describe-cluster-parameter-groups Result:: { "ParameterGroups": [ { "ParameterGroupFamily": "redshift-1.0", "Description": "My first cluster parameter group", "ParameterGroupName": "myclusterparametergroup" } ], "ResponseMetadata": { "RequestId": "8ceb8f6f-64cc-11e2-bea9-49e0ce183f07" } } You can also obtain the same information in text format using the ``--output text`` option. Command:: aws redshift describe-cluster-parameter-groups --output text Result:: redshift-1.0 My first cluster parameter group myclusterparametergroup RESPONSEMETADATA 9e665a36-64cc-11e2-8f7d-3b939af52818