Describe All Events ------------------- this example returns all events. By default, the output is in JSON format. Command:: aws redshift describe-events Result:: { "Events": [ { "Date": "2013-01-22T19:17:03.640Z", "SourceIdentifier": "myclusterparametergroup", "Message": "Cluster parameter group myclusterparametergroup has been created.", "SourceType": "cluster-parameter-group" } ], "ResponseMetadata": { "RequestId": "9f056111-64c9-11e2-9390-ff04f2c1e638" } } You can also obtain the same information in text format using the ``--output text`` option. Command:: aws redshift describe-events --output text Result:: 2013-01-22T19:17:03.640Z myclusterparametergroup Cluster parameter group myclusterparametergroup has been created. cluster-parameter-group RESPONSEMETADATA 8e5fe765-64c9-11e2-bce3-e56f52c50e17