**To describe node configuration options** The following ``describe-node-configuration-options`` example displays the properties of possible node configurations such as node type, number of nodes, and disk usage for the specified cluster snapshot. :: aws redshift describe-node-configuration-options \ --action-type restore-cluster \ --snapshot-identifier rs:mycluster-2019-12-09-16-42-43 Output:: { "NodeConfigurationOptionList": [ { "NodeType": "dc2.large", "NumberOfNodes": 2, "EstimatedDiskUtilizationPercent": 19.61 }, { "NodeType": "dc2.large", "NumberOfNodes": 4, "EstimatedDiskUtilizationPercent": 9.96 }, { "NodeType": "ds2.xlarge", "NumberOfNodes": 2, "EstimatedDiskUtilizationPercent": 1.53 }, { "NodeType": "ds2.xlarge", "NumberOfNodes": 4, "EstimatedDiskUtilizationPercent": 0.78 } ] } For more information, see `Purchasing Amazon Redshift Reserved Nodes <https://docs.aws.amazon.com/redshift/latest/mgmt/purchase-reserved-node-instance.html>`__ in the *Amazon Redshift Cluster Management Guide*.