**To get the results of an unsafe content operation** The following ``get-content-moderation`` command displays the results of an unsafe content operation that you started previously by calling ``start-content-moderation``. :: aws rekognition get-content-moderation \ --job-id 1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef Output:: { "NextToken": "dlhcKMHMzpCBGFukz6IO3JMcWiJAamCVhXHt3r6b4b5Tfbyw3q7o+Jeezt+ZpgfOnW9FCCgQ", "ModerationLabels": [ { "Timestamp": 0, "ModerationLabel": { "Confidence": 97.39583587646484, "ParentName": "", "Name": "Violence" } }, { "Timestamp": 0, "ModerationLabel": { "Confidence": 97.39583587646484, "ParentName": "Violence", "Name": "Weapon Violence" } } ], "JobStatus": "SUCCEEDED", "VideoMetadata": { "Format": "QuickTime / MOV", "FrameRate": 29.97515869140625, "Codec": "h264", "DurationMillis": 6039, "FrameHeight": 1920, "FrameWidth": 1080 } } For more information, see `Detecting Unsafe Stored Videos <https://docs.aws.amazon.com/rekognition/latest/dg/procedure-moderate-videos.html>`__ in the *Amazon Rekognition Developer Guide*.