**To get the results of a face search operation** The following ``get-face-search`` command displays the results of a face search operation that you started previously by calling ``start-face-search``. :: aws rekognition get-face-search \ --job-id 1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef Output:: { "Persons": [ { "Timestamp": 467, "FaceMatches": [], "Person": { "Index": 0, "Face": { "BoundingBox": { "Width": 0.1560753583908081, "Top": 0.13555361330509186, "Left": -0.0952017530798912, "Height": 0.6934483051300049 }, "Landmarks": [ { "Y": 0.4013825058937073, "X": -0.041750285774469376, "Type": "eyeLeft" }, { "Y": 0.41695496439933777, "X": 0.027979329228401184, "Type": "eyeRight" }, { "Y": 0.6375303268432617, "X": -0.04034662991762161, "Type": "mouthLeft" }, { "Y": 0.6497718691825867, "X": 0.013960429467260838, "Type": "mouthRight" }, { "Y": 0.5238034129142761, "X": 0.008022055961191654, "Type": "nose" } ], "Pose": { "Yaw": -58.07863998413086, "Roll": 1.9384294748306274, "Pitch": -24.66305160522461 }, "Quality": { "Sharpness": 83.14741516113281, "Brightness": 25.75942611694336 }, "Confidence": 87.7622299194336 } } }, { "Timestamp": 967, "FaceMatches": [ { "Face": { "BoundingBox": { "Width": 0.12368900328874588, "Top": 0.16007399559020996, "Left": 0.5901259779930115, "Height": 0.2514039874076843 }, "FaceId": "056a95fa-2060-4159-9cab-7ed4daa030fa", "ExternalImageId": "image3.jpg", "Confidence": 100.0, "ImageId": "08f8a078-8929-37fd-8e8f-aadf690e8232" }, "Similarity": 98.44476318359375 } ], "Person": { "Index": 1, "Face": { "BoundingBox": { "Width": 0.28559377789497375, "Top": 0.19436298310756683, "Left": 0.024553587660193443, "Height": 0.7216082215309143 }, "Landmarks": [ { "Y": 0.4650231599807739, "X": 0.16269078850746155, "Type": "eyeLeft" }, { "Y": 0.4843238294124603, "X": 0.2782580852508545, "Type": "eyeRight" }, { "Y": 0.71530681848526, "X": 0.1741468608379364, "Type": "mouthLeft" }, { "Y": 0.7310671210289001, "X": 0.26857468485832214, "Type": "mouthRight" }, { "Y": 0.582602322101593, "X": 0.2566150426864624, "Type": "nose" } ], "Pose": { "Yaw": 11.487052917480469, "Roll": 5.074230670928955, "Pitch": 15.396159172058105 }, "Quality": { "Sharpness": 73.32209777832031, "Brightness": 54.96497344970703 }, "Confidence": 99.99998474121094 } } } ], "NextToken": "5bkgcezyuaqhtWk3C8OTW6cjRghrwV9XDMivm5B3MXm+Lv6G+L+GejyFHPhoNa/ldXIC4c/d", "JobStatus": "SUCCEEDED", "VideoMetadata": { "Format": "QuickTime / MOV", "FrameRate": 29.970617294311523, "Codec": "h264", "DurationMillis": 6806, "FrameHeight": 1080, "FrameWidth": 1920 } } For more information, see `Searching Stored Videos for Faces <https://docs.aws.amazon.com/rekognition/latest/dg/procedure-person-search-videos.html>`__ in the *Amazon Rekognition Developer Guide*.