**To add faces to a collection** The following ``index-faces`` command adds the faces found in an image to the specified collection. :: aws rekognition index-faces \ --image '{"S3Object":{"Bucket":"MyVideoS3Bucket","Name":"MyPicture.jpg"}}' \ --collection-id MyCollection \ --max-faces 1 \ --quality-filter "AUTO" \ --detection-attributes "ALL" \ --external-image-id "MyPicture.jpg" Output:: { "FaceRecords": [ { "FaceDetail": { "Confidence": 99.993408203125, "Eyeglasses": { "Confidence": 99.11750030517578, "Value": false }, "Sunglasses": { "Confidence": 99.98249053955078, "Value": false }, "Gender": { "Confidence": 99.92769622802734, "Value": "Male" }, "Landmarks": [ { "Y": 0.26750367879867554, "X": 0.6202793717384338, "Type": "eyeLeft" }, { "Y": 0.26642778515815735, "X": 0.6787431836128235, "Type": "eyeRight" }, { "Y": 0.31361380219459534, "X": 0.6421601176261902, "Type": "nose" }, { "Y": 0.3495299220085144, "X": 0.6216195225715637, "Type": "mouthLeft" }, { "Y": 0.35194727778434753, "X": 0.669899046421051, "Type": "mouthRight" }, { "Y": 0.26844894886016846, "X": 0.6210268139839172, "Type": "leftPupil" }, { "Y": 0.26707562804222107, "X": 0.6817160844802856, "Type": "rightPupil" }, { "Y": 0.24834522604942322, "X": 0.6018546223640442, "Type": "leftEyeBrowLeft" }, { "Y": 0.24397172033786774, "X": 0.6172008514404297, "Type": "leftEyeBrowUp" }, { "Y": 0.24677404761314392, "X": 0.6339119076728821, "Type": "leftEyeBrowRight" }, { "Y": 0.24582654237747192, "X": 0.6619398593902588, "Type": "rightEyeBrowLeft" }, { "Y": 0.23973053693771362, "X": 0.6804757118225098, "Type": "rightEyeBrowUp" }, { "Y": 0.24441994726657867, "X": 0.6978968977928162, "Type": "rightEyeBrowRight" }, { "Y": 0.2695908546447754, "X": 0.6085202693939209, "Type": "leftEyeLeft" }, { "Y": 0.26716896891593933, "X": 0.6315826177597046, "Type": "leftEyeRight" }, { "Y": 0.26289820671081543, "X": 0.6202316880226135, "Type": "leftEyeUp" }, { "Y": 0.27123287320137024, "X": 0.6205548048019409, "Type": "leftEyeDown" }, { "Y": 0.2668408751487732, "X": 0.6663622260093689, "Type": "rightEyeLeft" }, { "Y": 0.26741549372673035, "X": 0.6910083889961243, "Type": "rightEyeRight" }, { "Y": 0.2614026665687561, "X": 0.6785826086997986, "Type": "rightEyeUp" }, { "Y": 0.27075251936912537, "X": 0.6789616942405701, "Type": "rightEyeDown" }, { "Y": 0.3211299479007721, "X": 0.6324167847633362, "Type": "noseLeft" }, { "Y": 0.32276326417922974, "X": 0.6558475494384766, "Type": "noseRight" }, { "Y": 0.34385165572166443, "X": 0.6444970965385437, "Type": "mouthUp" }, { "Y": 0.3671635091304779, "X": 0.6459195017814636, "Type": "mouthDown" } ], "Pose": { "Yaw": -9.54541015625, "Roll": -0.5709401965141296, "Pitch": 0.6045494675636292 }, "Emotions": [ { "Confidence": 39.90074157714844, "Type": "HAPPY" }, { "Confidence": 23.38753890991211, "Type": "CALM" }, { "Confidence": 5.840933322906494, "Type": "CONFUSED" } ], "AgeRange": { "High": 63, "Low": 45 }, "EyesOpen": { "Confidence": 99.80887603759766, "Value": true }, "BoundingBox": { "Width": 0.18562500178813934, "Top": 0.1618015021085739, "Left": 0.5575000047683716, "Height": 0.24770642817020416 }, "Smile": { "Confidence": 99.69740295410156, "Value": false }, "MouthOpen": { "Confidence": 99.97393798828125, "Value": false }, "Quality": { "Sharpness": 95.54405975341797, "Brightness": 63.867706298828125 }, "Mustache": { "Confidence": 97.05007934570312, "Value": false }, "Beard": { "Confidence": 87.34505462646484, "Value": false } }, "Face": { "BoundingBox": { "Width": 0.18562500178813934, "Top": 0.1618015021085739, "Left": 0.5575000047683716, "Height": 0.24770642817020416 }, "FaceId": "ce7ed422-2132-4a11-ab14-06c5c410f29f", "ExternalImageId": "example-image.jpg", "Confidence": 99.993408203125, "ImageId": "8d67061e-90d2-598f-9fbd-29c8497039c0" } } ], "UnindexedFaces": [], "FaceModelVersion": "3.0", "OrientationCorrection": "ROTATE_0" } For more information, see `Adding Faces to a Collection <https://docs.aws.amazon.com/rekognition/latest/dg/add-faces-to-collection-procedure.html>`__ in the *Amazon Rekognition Developer Guide*.