**To get a list of suggested domain names** The following ``get-domain-suggestions`` command displays a list of suggested domain names based on the domain name ``example.com``. The response includes only domain names that are available. This command runs only in the ``us-east-1`` Region. If your default region is set to ``us-east-1``, you can omit the ``region`` parameter. :: aws route53domains get-domain-suggestions \ --region us-east-1 \ --domain-name example.com \ --suggestion-count 10 \ --only-available Output:: { "SuggestionsList": [ { "DomainName": "egzaampal.com", "Availability": "AVAILABLE" }, { "DomainName": "examplelaw.com", "Availability": "AVAILABLE" }, { "DomainName": "examplehouse.net", "Availability": "AVAILABLE" }, { "DomainName": "homeexample.net", "Availability": "AVAILABLE" }, { "DomainName": "examplelist.com", "Availability": "AVAILABLE" }, { "DomainName": "examplenews.net", "Availability": "AVAILABLE" }, { "DomainName": "officeexample.com", "Availability": "AVAILABLE" }, { "DomainName": "exampleworld.com", "Availability": "AVAILABLE" }, { "DomainName": "exampleart.com", "Availability": "AVAILABLE" } ] }