**To get the authorization code for a domain so you can transfer the domain to another registrar** The following ``retrieve-domain-auth-code`` command gets the current authorization code for the example.com domain. You give this value to another domain registrar when you want to transfer the domain to that registrar. This command runs only in the ``us-east-1`` Region. If your default region is set to ``us-east-1``, you can omit the ``region`` parameter. :: aws route53domains retrieve-domain-auth-code \ --region us-east-1 \ --domain-name example.com Output:: { "AuthCode": ")o!v3dJeXampLe" } For more information, see `Transferring a Domain from Amazon Route 53 to Another Registrar <https://docs.aws.amazon.com/Route53/latest/DeveloperGuide/domain-transfer-from-route-53.html>`__ in the *Amazon Route 53 Developer Guide*.