**To transfer a domain to Amazon Route 53** The following ``transfer-domain`` command transfers a domain to Route 53, with the parameters provided by the JSON-formatted file ``C:\temp\transfer-domain.json``. This command runs only in the ``us-east-1`` Region. If your default region is set to ``us-east-1``, you can omit the ``region`` parameter. :: aws route53domains transfer-domain \ --region us-east-1 \ --cli-input-json file://C:\temp\transfer-domain.json Contents of ``transfer-domain.json``:: { "DomainName": "example.com", "DurationInYears": 1, "Nameservers": [ { "Name": "ns-2048.awsdns-64.com" }, { "Name": "ns-2049.awsdns-65.net" }, { "Name": "ns-2050.awsdns-66.org" }, { "Name": "ns-2051.awsdns-67.co.uk" } ], "AuthCode": ")o!v3dJeXampLe", "AutoRenew": true, "AdminContact": { "FirstName": "Martha", "LastName": "Rivera", "ContactType": "PERSON", "OrganizationName": "Example", "AddressLine1": "1 Main Street", "City": "Anytown", "State": "WA", "CountryCode": "US", "ZipCode": "98101", "PhoneNumber": "+1.8005551212", "Email": "mrivera@example.com" }, "RegistrantContact": { "FirstName": "Li", "LastName": "Juan", "ContactType": "PERSON", "OrganizationName": "Example", "AddressLine1": "1 Main Street", "City": "Anytown", "State": "WA", "CountryCode": "US", "ZipCode": "98101", "PhoneNumber": "+1.8005551212", "Email": "ljuan@example.com" }, "TechContact": { "FirstName": "Mateo", "LastName": "Jackson", "ContactType": "PERSON", "OrganizationName": "Example", "AddressLine1": "1 Main Street", "City": "Anytown", "State": "WA", "CountryCode": "US", "ZipCode": "98101", "PhoneNumber": "+1.8005551212", "Email": "mjackson@example.com" }, "PrivacyProtectAdminContact": true, "PrivacyProtectRegistrantContact": true, "PrivacyProtectTechContact": true } Output:: { "OperationId": "b114c44a-9330-47d1-a6e8-a0b11example" } To confirm that the operation succeeded, you can run ``get-operation-detail``. For more information, see `get-operation-detail <https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cli/latest/reference/route53domains/get-operation-detail.html>`__ . For more information, see `Transferring Registration for a Domain to Amazon Route 53 <https://docs.aws.amazon.com/Route53/latest/DeveloperGuide/domain-transfer-to-route-53.html>`__ in the *Amazon Route 53 Developer Guide*.