**To disassociate a Resolver rule from an Amazon VPC** The following ``disassociate-resolver-rule`` example removes the association between the specified Resolver rule and the specified VPC. You can disassociate a rule from a VPC in the following circumstances: - For DNS queries that originate in this VPC, you want Resolver to stop forwarding queries to your network for the domain name that is specified in the rule. - You want to delete the forwarding rule. If a rule is currently associated with one or more VPCs, you must disassociate the rule from all VPCs before you can delete it. :: aws route53resolver disassociate-resolver-rule \ --resolver-rule-id rslvr-rr-4955cb98ceexample \ --vpc-id vpc-304bexam Output:: { "ResolverRuleAssociation": { "Id": "rslvr-rrassoc-322f4e8b9cexample", "ResolverRuleId": "rslvr-rr-4955cb98ceexample", "Name": "my-resolver-rule-association", "VPCId": "vpc-304bexam", "Status": "DELETING", "StatusMessage": "[Trace id: 1-5dc5ffa2-a26c38004c1f94006example] Deleting Association" } }