**To import domains into a domain list** The following ``import-firewall-domains`` example imports a set of domains from a file into a DNS Firewall domain list that you specify. :: aws route53resolver import-firewall-domains \ --firewall-domain-list-id rslvr-fdl-d61cbb2cbexample \ --operation REPLACE \ --domain-file-url s3://PATH/TO/YOUR/FILE Output:: { "Id": "rslvr-fdl-d61cbb2cbexample", "Name": "test", "Status": "IMPORTING", "StatusMessage": "Importing domains from provided file." } For more information, see `Managing your own domain lists <https://docs.aws.amazon.com/Route53/latest/DeveloperGuide/resolver-dns-firewall-user-managed-domain-lists.html>`__ in the *Amazon Route 53 Developer Guide*.