**Example 1: To update settings Resolver endpoint** The following ``update-resolver-rule`` example updates the name of the rule, the IP addresses on your on-premises network that DNS queries are forwarded to, and the ID of the outbound Resolver endpoint that you're using to forward queries to your network. **Note** Existing values for ``TargetIps`` are overwritten, so you must specify all the IP addresses that you want the rule to have after the update. :: aws route53resolver update-resolver-rule \ --resolver-rule-id rslvr-rr-1247fa64f3example \ --config Name="my-2nd-rule",TargetIps=[{Ip=,Port=53},{Ip=,Port=53}],ResolverEndpointId=rslvr-out-7b89ed0d25example Output:: { "ResolverRule": { "Id": "rslvr-rr-1247fa64f3example", "CreatorRequestId": "2020-01-02-18:47", "Arn": "arn:aws:route53resolver:us-west-2:111122223333:resolver-rule/rslvr-rr-1247fa64f3example", "DomainName": "www.example.com.", "Status": "COMPLETE", "StatusMessage": "[Trace id: 1-5dcc90b9-8a8ee860aba1ebd89example] Successfully updated Resolver Rule.", "RuleType": "FORWARD", "Name": "my-2nd-rule", "TargetIps": [ { "Ip": "", "Port": 53 }, { "Ip": "", "Port": 53 } ], "ResolverEndpointId": "rslvr-out-7b89ed0d25example", "OwnerId": "111122223333", "ShareStatus": "NOT_SHARED" } } **Example 2: To update settings Resolver endpoint using a file for ``config`` settings** You can alternatively include the ``config`` settings in a JSON file and then specify that file when you call ``update-resolver-rule``. :: aws route53resolver update-resolver-rule \ --resolver-rule-id rslvr-rr-1247fa64f3example \ --config file://c:\temp\update-resolver-rule.json Contents of ``update-resolver-rule.json``. :: { "Name": "my-2nd-rule", "TargetIps": [ { "Ip": "", "Port": 53 }, { "Ip": "", "Port": 53 } ], "ResolverEndpointId": "rslvr-out-7b89ed0d25example" } For more information, see `Values That You Specify When You Create or Edit Rules <https://docs.aws.amazon.com/Route53/latest/DeveloperGuide/resolver-forwarding-outbound-queries.html#resolver-forwarding-outbound-queries-rule-values>`__ in the *Amazon Route 53 Developer Guide*.