[ Avaa Bypassed ]



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**Example 1: To set bucket policy logging**

The following ``put-bucket-logging`` example sets the logging policy for *MyBucket*. First, grant the logging service principal permission in your bucket policy using the ``put-bucket-policy`` command. ::

    aws s3api put-bucket-policy \
        --bucket MyBucket \
        --policy file://policy.json

Contents of ``policy.json``::

        "Version": "2012-10-17",
        "Statement": [
                "Sid": "S3ServerAccessLogsPolicy",
                "Effect": "Allow",
                "Principal": {"Service": "logging.s3.amazonaws.com"},
                "Action": "s3:PutObject",
                "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::MyBucket/Logs/*",
                "Condition": {
                    "ArnLike": {"aws:SourceARN": "arn:aws:s3:::SOURCE-BUCKET-NAME"},
                    "StringEquals": {"aws:SourceAccount": "SOURCE-AWS-ACCOUNT-ID"}

To apply the logging policy, use ``put-bucket-logging``. ::

    aws s3api put-bucket-logging \
        --bucket MyBucket \
        --bucket-logging-status file://logging.json

Contents of ``logging.json``::

        "LoggingEnabled": {
            "TargetBucket": "MyBucket",
            "TargetPrefix": "Logs/"

.. Note:: The ``put-bucket-policy`` command is required to grant ``s3:PutObject`` permissions to the logging service principal.

For more information, see `Amazon S3 Server Access Logging <https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/userguide/ServerLogs.html>`__ in the *Amazon S3 User Guide*.

**Example 2: To set a bucket policy for logging access to only a single user**

The following ``put-bucket-logging`` example sets the logging policy for *MyBucket*. The AWS user *bob@example.com* will have full control over
the log files, and no one else has any access. First, grant S3 permission with ``put-bucket-acl``. ::

    aws s3api put-bucket-acl \
        --bucket MyBucket \
        --grant-write URI=http://acs.amazonaws.com/groups/s3/LogDelivery \
        --grant-read-acp URI=http://acs.amazonaws.com/groups/s3/LogDelivery

Then apply the logging policy using ``put-bucket-logging``. ::

    aws s3api put-bucket-logging \
        --bucket MyBucket \
        --bucket-logging-status file://logging.json

Contents of ``logging.json``::

        "LoggingEnabled": {
            "TargetBucket": "MyBucket",
            "TargetPrefix": "MyBucketLogs/",
            "TargetGrants": [
                    "Grantee": {
                        "Type": "AmazonCustomerByEmail",
                        "EmailAddress": "bob@example.com"
                    "Permission": "FULL_CONTROL"

.. Note:: the ``put-bucket-acl`` command is required to grant S3's log delivery system the necessary permissions (write and read-acp permissions).

For more information, see `Amazon S3 Server Access Logging <https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/userguide/ServerLogs.html>`__ in the *Amazon S3 Developer Guide*.


Name Type Size Permission Actions
wait Folder 0755
abort-multipart-upload.rst File 567 B 0644
complete-multipart-upload.rst File 1.51 KB 0644
copy-object.rst File 386 B 0644
create-bucket.rst File 1.71 KB 0644
create-multipart-upload.rst File 596 B 0644
delete-bucket-analytics-configuration.rst File 323 B 0755
delete-bucket-cors.rst File 163 B 0644
delete-bucket-encryption.rst File 299 B 0755
delete-bucket-intelligent-tiering-configuration.rst File 568 B 0644
delete-bucket-inventory-configuration.rst File 331 B 0755
delete-bucket-lifecycle.rst File 148 B 0644
delete-bucket-metrics-configuration.rst File 316 B 0755
delete-bucket-policy.rst File 135 B 0644
delete-bucket-replication.rst File 152 B 0644
delete-bucket-tagging.rst File 144 B 0644
delete-bucket-website.rst File 144 B 0644
delete-bucket.rst File 126 B 0644
delete-object-tagging.rst File 285 B 0755
delete-object.rst File 538 B 0644
delete-objects.rst File 558 B 0644
delete-public-access-block.rst File 298 B 0755
get-bucket-accelerate-configuration.rst File 319 B 0644
get-bucket-acl.rst File 582 B 0644
get-bucket-analytics-configuration.rst File 432 B 0755
get-bucket-cors.rst File 960 B 0644
get-bucket-encryption.rst File 553 B 0755
get-bucket-intelligent-tiering-configuration.rst File 1.01 KB 0644
get-bucket-inventory-configuration.rst File 790 B 0755
get-bucket-lifecycle-configuration.rst File 880 B 0644
get-bucket-lifecycle.rst File 631 B 0644
get-bucket-location.rst File 225 B 0644
get-bucket-logging.rst File 359 B 0755
get-bucket-metrics-configuration.rst File 464 B 0755
get-bucket-notification-configuration.rst File 489 B 0644
get-bucket-notification.rst File 468 B 0644
get-bucket-policy-status.rst File 358 B 0755
get-bucket-policy.rst File 1.05 KB 0644
get-bucket-replication.rst File 667 B 0644
get-bucket-request-payment.rst File 314 B 0644
get-bucket-tagging.rst File 285 B 0644
get-bucket-versioning.rst File 195 B 0644
get-bucket-website.rst File 300 B 0644
get-object-acl.rst File 790 B 0644
get-object-attributes.rst File 742 B 0644
get-object-legal-hold.rst File 350 B 0644
get-object-lock-configuration.rst File 555 B 0755
get-object-retention.rst File 442 B 0755
get-object-tagging.rst File 1.21 KB 0755
get-object-torrent.rst File 391 B 0644
get-object.rst File 818 B 0644
get-public-access-block.rst File 500 B 0755
head-bucket.rst File 326 B 0644
head-object.rst File 417 B 0644
list-bucket-analytics-configurations.rst File 476 B 0755
list-bucket-intelligent-tiering-configurations.rst File 1.97 KB 0644
list-bucket-inventory-configurations.rst File 1.35 KB 0755
list-bucket-metrics-configurations.rst File 656 B 0755
list-buckets.rst File 483 B 0644
list-multipart-uploads.rst File 1.01 KB 0644
list-object-versions.rst File 2.53 KB 0644
list-objects-v2.rst File 1.25 KB 0644
list-objects.rst File 560 B 0644
list-parts.rst File 1.3 KB 0644
put-bucket-accelerate-configuration.rst File 347 B 0644
put-bucket-acl.rst File 531 B 0644
put-bucket-analytics-configuration.rst File 363 B 0644
put-bucket-cors.rst File 701 B 0644
put-bucket-encryption.rst File 399 B 0644
put-bucket-intelligent-tiering-configuration.rst File 1.26 KB 0644
put-bucket-inventory-configuration.rst File 1.18 KB 0755
put-bucket-lifecycle-configuration.rst File 1.37 KB 0644
put-bucket-lifecycle.rst File 1.56 KB 0644
put-bucket-logging.rst File 3.02 KB 0644
put-bucket-metrics-configuration.rst File 387 B 0755
put-bucket-notification-configuration.rst File 1.53 KB 0644
put-bucket-notification.rst File 1019 B 0644
put-bucket-policy.rst File 1007 B 0644
put-bucket-replication.rst File 2.55 KB 0644
put-bucket-request-payment.rst File 709 B 0644
put-bucket-tagging.rst File 563 B 0644
put-bucket-versioning.rst File 356 B 0644
put-bucket-website.rst File 434 B 0644
put-object-acl.rst File 554 B 0644
put-object-legal-hold.rst File 312 B 0644
put-object-lock-configuration.rst File 430 B 0755
put-object-retention.rst File 423 B 0755
put-object-tagging.rst File 782 B 0755
put-object.rst File 647 B 0644
put-public-access-block.rst File 438 B 0755
restore-object.rst File 351 B 0755
select-object-content.rst File 587 B 0755
upload-part-copy.rst File 725 B 0755
upload-part.rst File 845 B 0644