**To retrieve a detailed description of an attack**
The following ``describe-attack`` example displays details about the DDoS attack with the specified attack ID. You can obtain attack IDs by running the ``list-attacks`` command. ::
aws shield describe-attack --attack-id a1b2c3d4-5678-90ab-cdef-EXAMPLE22222
"Attack": {
"AttackId": "a1b2c3d4-5678-90ab-cdef-EXAMPLE22222",
"ResourceArn": "arn:aws:elasticloadbalancing:us-west-2:123456789012:loadbalancer/testElb",
"SubResources": [
"Type": "IP",
"Id": "",
"AttackVectors": [
"VectorType": "SYN_FLOOD",
"VectorCounters": [
"Name": "SYN_FLOOD_BPS",
"Max": 982184.0,
"Average": 982184.0,
"Sum": 11786208.0,
"N": 12,
"Unit": "BPS"
"Counters": []
"Type": "IP",
"Id": "",
"AttackVectors": [
"VectorType": "SYN_FLOOD",
"VectorCounters": [
"Name": "SYN_FLOOD_BPS",
"Max": 982184.0,
"Average": 982184.0,
"Sum": 9821840.0,
"N": 10,
"Unit": "BPS"
"Counters": []
"Type": "IP",
"Id": "",
"AttackVectors": [
"VectorType": "SYN_FLOOD",
"VectorCounters": [
"Name": "SYN_FLOOD_BPS",
"Max": 982184.0,
"Average": 982184.0,
"Sum": 7857472.0,
"N": 8,
"Unit": "BPS"
"Counters": []
"Type": "IP",
"Id": "",
"AttackVectors": [
"VectorType": "SYN_FLOOD",
"VectorCounters": [
"Name": "SYN_FLOOD_BPS",
"Max": 982184.0,
"Average": 982184.0,
"Sum": 1964368.0,
"N": 2,
"Unit": "BPS"
"Counters": []
"Type": "IP",
"Id": "2001:DB8::bcde:4321:8765:0:0",
"AttackVectors": [
"VectorType": "SYN_FLOOD",
"VectorCounters": [
"Name": "SYN_FLOOD_BPS",
"Max": 982184.0,
"Average": 982184.0,
"Sum": 1964368.0,
"N": 2,
"Unit": "BPS"
"Counters": []
"Type": "IP",
"Id": "",
"AttackVectors": [
"VectorType": "SYN_FLOOD",
"VectorCounters": [
"Name": "SYN_FLOOD_BPS",
"Max": 982184.0,
"Average": 982184.0,
"Sum": 1964368.0,
"N": 2,
"Unit": "BPS"
"Counters": []
"StartTime": 1576024927.457,
"EndTime": 1576025647.457,
"AttackCounters": [],
"AttackProperties": [
"AttackLayer": "NETWORK",
"AttackPropertyIdentifier": "SOURCE_IP_ADDRESS",
"TopContributors": [
"Name": "",
"Value": 2024475682
"Name": "",
"Value": 1311380863
"Name": "",
"Value": 900599855
"Name": "",
"Value": 769417366
"Name": "",
"Value": 757992847
"Unit": "BYTES",
"Total": 92773354841
"AttackLayer": "NETWORK",
"AttackPropertyIdentifier": "SOURCE_COUNTRY",
"TopContributors": [
"Name": "United States",
"Value": 80938161764
"Name": "Brazil",
"Value": 9929864330
"Name": "Netherlands",
"Value": 1635009446
"Name": "Mexico",
"Value": 144832971
"Name": "Japan",
"Value": 45369000
"Unit": "BYTES",
"Total": 92773354841
"AttackLayer": "NETWORK",
"AttackPropertyIdentifier": "SOURCE_ASN",
"TopContributors": [
"Name": "12345",
"Value": 74953625841
"Name": "12346",
"Value": 4440087595
"Name": "12347",
"Value": 1635009446
"Name": "12348",
"Value": 1221230000
"Name": "12349",
"Value": 1199425294
"Unit": "BYTES",
"Total": 92755479921
"Mitigations": []
For more information, see `Reviewing DDoS Incidents <https://docs.aws.amazon.com/waf/latest/developerguide/using-ddos-reports.html>`__ in the *AWS Shield Advanced Developer Guide*.