[ Avaa Bypassed ]



botdev@ ~ $
**Example 1: To publish a message to a topic**

The following ``publish`` example publishes the specified message to the specified SNS topic. The message comes from a text file, which enables you to include line breaks. ::

    aws sns publish \
        --topic-arn "arn:aws:sns:us-west-2:123456789012:my-topic" \
        --message file://message.txt

Contents of ``message.txt``::

    Hello World
    Second Line


        "MessageId": "123a45b6-7890-12c3-45d6-111122223333"

**Example 2: To publish an SMS message to a phone number**

The following ``publish`` example publishes the message ``Hello world!`` to the phone number ``+1-555-555-0100``. ::

    aws sns publish \
        --message "Hello world!" \
        --phone-number +1-555-555-0100


        "MessageId": "123a45b6-7890-12c3-45d6-333322221111"


Name Type Size Permission Actions
add-permission.rst File 460 B 0644
check-if-phone-number-is-opted-out.rst File 374 B 0644
confirm-subscription.rst File 781 B 0644
create-platform-application.rst File 478 B 0644
create-platform-endpoint.rst File 500 B 0644
create-topic.rst File 583 B 0644
delete-endpoint.rst File 332 B 0644
delete-platform-application.rst File 308 B 0644
delete-topic.rst File 231 B 0644
get-endpoint-attributes.rst File 465 B 0644
get-platform-application-attributes.rst File 454 B 0644
get-sms-attributes.rst File 280 B 0644
get-subscription-attributes.rst File 858 B 0644
get-topic-attributes.rst File 1.36 KB 0644
list-endpoints-by-platform-application.rst File 704 B 0644
list-phone-numbers-opted-out.rst File 281 B 0644
list-platform-applications.rst File 803 B 0644
list-subscriptions-by-topic.rst File 699 B 0644
list-subscriptions.rst File 589 B 0644
list-tags-for-resource.rst File 380 B 0644
list-topics.rst File 293 B 0644
opt-in-phone-number.rst File 253 B 0644
publish.rst File 856 B 0644
put-data-protection-policy.rst File 1.04 KB 0644
remove-permission.rst File 327 B 0644
set-endpoint-attributes.rst File 465 B 0644
set-platform-application-attributes.rst File 507 B 0644
set-sms-attributes.rst File 254 B 0644
set-subscription-attributes.rst File 1.2 KB 0644
set-topic-attributes.rst File 366 B 0644
subscribe.rst File 364 B 0644
tag-resource.rst File 292 B 0644
unsubscribe.rst File 293 B 0644
untag-resource.rst File 312 B 0644