**Example 1: To cancel a command for all instances** The following ``cancel-command`` example attempts to cancel the specified command that is already running for all instances. :: aws ssm cancel-command \ --command-id "662add3d-5831-4a10-b64a-f2ff3EXAMPLE" This command produces no output. **Example 2: To cancel a command for specific instances** The following ``cancel-command`` example attempts to cancel a command for the specified instance only. :: aws ssm cancel-command \ --command-id "662add3d-5831-4a10-b64a-f2ff3EXAMPLE" --instance-ids "i-02573cafcfEXAMPLE" This command produces no output. For more information, see `Tagging Systems Manager Parameters <https://docs.aws.amazon.com/systems-manager/latest/userguide/sysman-paramstore-su-tag.html>`__ in the *AWS Systems Manager User Guide*.